Originally Posted by Hollander
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by Hollander
Navalny was no saint

I don't believe he was a hardened racist like some of his critics have been alleging, but he was certainly a nationalist. It is quite ironic that someone who supported the invasion of Georgia and was so vehemently against open borders is now being championed by everyone on the left.

I give him credit for his anti-corruption activism. He really did a number on the Kremlin. They didn't kill him for nothing

The opposition is divided and mostly in excile like chess champion Kasparov and Khodorkovsky. That makes it easy for the Kremlin to deal with them next month fake elections lol.

The opposition is united against Putin, but divided over almost everything else. There is infighting, distrust and no clear agenda. As charismatic as Navalny was, he was never going to overthrow Putin anyway. He however may have sparked the brain that ultimately will. Time will tell!

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away