I will now post some secrets for Vice City and of course 3!
Secret island:The Ghost Town is located behind Shoreside Vale. You can get there by flying the Dodo or even better, the tank. Line the tank up on the runway so that Staunton Island is behind you. Take off and fly along the left side of Shoreside Vale. Eventually, You will come to the Ghost Town. It is the town where the opening cut scene takes place. Most of the Ghost Town isn't solid so you'll go right through. I have never heard of any one landing on a solid part of the Ghost Town.
If you fly into the football stadium and look at the seats you can see liberty city's team name!
Import Cars:The first I/E garage is in Portland Harbor. When you enter Portland Harbor go strait, you should see a Mule parked. As soon as you pass the Mule go left. Then go strait until you can't go strait anymore. The building in your way is the I/E garage. Find the door and there will be a list of the cars on the side of the door. Deliver those cars to that garage. The EV crane is in Portland Harbor, enter the harbor and go strait. There should be a parked Mule in front of you. Pass the Mule and go left. Go strait and then turn right. Look around and you should see a crane, deliver the emergency vehicles to this crane. To find I/E garage in Shoreside Vale go to the police station in Shoreside Vale. Exit the police station and head towards the dam. Before you get to the dirt road, turn right. Go strait and right before the road curves to the right, on the right side of the road will be Shoreside Vales I/E garage. Complete the I/E garages and the EV crane and get use of these cars any time.
Securicar garage! Enter the Portland Harbor with a Securicar and head towards the parked Mule. On the left side will be many garages. On of these doors will open for the Securicar, Park the Securicar in the garage and leave. The door will close and you'll get $50,000 for the first time, $45,000 for the second time, $40,000 for the third time, etc.
The you werent supposed to be able to get here sign! Across from love Media is this sign. Look for an alley across from Love Media in Staunton Island. Go down that alley and you'll end up in a parking lot. Put in the better handling cheat and with the car, jump the brick wall that has the fire escapes behind it. Then just look around. You should see this sign.
Shoot the moon with the sniper rifle and it will change size.
Marty Chonks is a secret boss that you can work for. He gives you the missions by phone. Next to the Bitchin' Dog Foods factory, there is a phone that only rings at a certain time. Answer the phone to recieve his missions.
When you do the mission ''Rigged to Blow'' from D-Ice, the Infernus that he has will lock after the mission is over. Just do this mission, and when you park D-Ice's Infernus back at the original parking space at the end of the mission, get out and run away from the car so that the door of the car stays open. Get back in and the doors will be locked from the outside. This means cops can't pull you out, car jackers can't steal your car, and you can't pick up hookers. Saving this car in a garage causes it to lose its locked feature.
When you do the mission ''The Thieves'' from Marty Chonks, the Sentinel that he has will lock after the mission is over. Just do this mission, and when you park Marty Chonks's Sentinel back at the Bitchin' Dog Food factory at the end of the mission, get out and run away from the car so that the door of the car stays open. Get back in and he doors will be locked from the outside. This means cops can't pull you out, car jackers can't steal your car, and you can't pick up hookers. Saving this car in a garage causes it to lose its locked feature.
cool ending: On the last mission of the game, put in the all people hate you cheat before you blow up the helicopter. After you put in the all people hate you cheat and blow up the helicopter, the ending should have a group of pedestrians running after you.
BF injection! After completing the mission ''Sayanora Salvatore'' from Asuka, the BF Injection will appear next to Misty's appartment in Hepburn Heights around the time of 18:00 - 00:00.
Noises at Misty's apartment! At night, stand outside of Misty's appartment and listen. You should be able to hear strange noises coming from the inside of Misty's appartment.
Gang immune guy! Use the change outfit cheat until you change into a guy with a brown trench coat and no facial hair. No gang will attack you while you look like this character, but the gang immunity effect does eventually wear off.
Internet cafe secret:The Internet Cafe is in Staunton Island around the area by the Callahan Bridge. It has glass windows that you can break. Break through the glass and enter the Internet Cafe. Inside you'll find many computers and if you look at the computer screens they'll show screenshots of the past GTA games.
Infinite Run
Does your character keep running out of breath? Instead of holding X, keep tapping it fast. He will run just as fast and longer. It also gives him exercise to let him run longer, anyway!
This trick will allow you to have a troop of ho's following you everywhere. First, grab a sporty car and goto the red light district (basically where the ho's are) and drive up to the curb. When a hooker approaches, she'll bend over a few times before she decides to enter your car. (The best way to do this is by attracting the hooker to the drivers side - so that she has to walk around the vehicle to get in). Quickly, exit the vehicle before the hooker opens the passenger door and then she'll follow you anywhere on foot. You can do this as many times as you want, eventually getting a "Ho Train"

Now I change my costume to the pimp and stroll Portland with my ho's.
I have some more cool gta 3 ones like secret areas bot now some Vice city!
Now This Is What I Call A Easter Egg:
Rockstar has put a real Easter Egg in the game.
It is a chocolate egg and says Happy Easter on it. To get to it, go the helipad at the VCN (Vice City News) building. The building on the right has a hallow wall so you can go through it. You have to jump in the closest window on the corner to get inside the hallow point.
Internet Sites:
These are basically internet sites that Rockstar put up that have to do with something in the game. I'm sure you all remember the Pogo The Monkey and other websites from GTA3. Well here are some from Vice City.
http://www.Degenatron.com You can play 3 different Degenatron games here.
also, call 1-866-pillage! There are numerous other ones too!
Scarface's Chainsaw Scene Re-enactment:
First, go to the Pay N Spray in Ocean Beach. It is a 2-story stucco building with stairs on 4 sides. Check the rooms on the second floor. You can't see the room from the street, just check all the doors, and you will see a 2-roomed apartment. When you enter, it should say Apartment 3C. Go inside and look in the bathroom for the scene.
Poster Of "The Guy" In GTA3:
If you go up to your room in the Ocean Beach hotel, which was your first save point, there will be a poster of him on the wall. Cool easter egg.
To see the submarine, go get your GTA Vice City map that came with your game. You need to drive to grid 5A and you should see it.
--3 Sunken Ships:
Somewhere between grid A5 & A6 near the very top of the map, there is a sunken ship. It looks like the ship that you blew up in the "Bomb The Base" mission in GTA3. It says Libertine Lines or something along the lines of that on the side of it. There is another sunken ship by that bridge by the Vice City News building. Look under the bridge and there is a brown sunken boat.
There is yet another one on the south side of the map. Just go east from the Boatyard and it is somewhere between the 2 islands.
--Barrels Of Boom Shine:
After finishing all of Phil Cassidy's missions, there will be a barrel of
boom shine in your room at the Ocean View Hotel.
After doing the "Demolition Man" mission, a box of RC helicopters, planes, and cars will appear in a box in one of the lower rooms of the Vercetti Estate.
--Wow This Looks Like The Red Light District From GTA3:
If you go inside the movie studio, go straight and towards the left and you will see some structures. Go inside and it is a replica from the Red Light District in Liberty City.
--Hey, I Remember Those Friendly Faces From GTA3:
In Ocean Beach, there is a row of shops and one of them that is named Rockstar Games has cardboard cutouts of Asuka, 8-Ball, El Burro, Kenji, and more people from GTA3.
--Constellation Rockstar:
At night, there is a constellation of stars that makes up the Rockstar games symbol. It is the R with the star/* at the end.
--Someone Give Him A Hand:
First, go to the butcher shop in Little Havana. If you look in the window, you can see a severed arm. Ouch.
--That Thing Is Huge:
At the hotel across the street from the Malibu, there are some interesting light formations at night. If you look at them, they form the shape of male genitals.
--Now This Is What I Call A Hidden Package:
I'm not sure when this appears, but in your Ocean View Hotel, there is a opened package of what appears to be cocaine by the bar counter and it is spilled everywhere.
--Rockstar Logos:
On the beach, you will notice some towels laid on the ground. If you look closely, there are Rockstar logos on them. There are also Rockstar logos on the guy's shirts in Ammunations.
--Wow, These Guys Are Real Pigs
After you have acquired the Vercetti Mansion, watch the trash by the door.
Over time, it will just keep stacking up with beer bottles and pizza boxes.
--Jimmy Hoffa:
Well, to see Jimmy Hoffa mixed
inside a bridge, go get the Sea Skimmer from its fixed location if you have the film studio missions done otherwise you can't do this. Once you get it, go north to the bridge. Now, try to fly under it. Since the Sea Skimmer is too big, you will go through the bridge a bit. Now, there will be a body inside the bridge. That's a cool easter egg along with the guy in the cement
--Guy With Cement Shoes In The Middle Of The Ocean:
Get a boat and from the Leaf Links Golf Course, head towards the second island. Now you should see a couple of big rocks under the water. You should see a guy with cement shoes just in the bottom of the ocean. If you still can't find him, get a boat and then head to Diaz's mansion. Now facing the mansion (you should be facing North according to the radar), turn right and keep going straight and you should see him.
--Pool Shaped Like A Woman:
In Starfish Island, there is a pool that looks like a woman's body. You can easily see it if you fly around in the helicopter.
--Silver PCJ600:
There is a real silver PCJ600 in the "Autocide" mission. To get it, start the mission and go to the black dot on the radar. You should see it just waiting for you to take it. I advise you to be driving it until the time runs out on the mission so it will not disappear. Then after you fail it, just take it back to your garage.
--Will This Wheelie Ever Stop:
To do this, just hold back the Left Analog Stick while driving a bike and you will do a wheelie. The best bike to do a wheelie on is the Sanchez. If you do it with the Sanchez you might never have to stop. All you have to do is hold down X and bring the wheelie up. After it is up all the way, let go of X but
keep the Left Analog held back. The best places todowheelies are the bridge from Little Havana to Ocean Beach, Escobar International Airport runways, bridge from Little Havana to Leaf Links, main road on Starfish Island, and the main road in Little Havana.
I'll post some more later!