Not even one player from the last 35 years?
I have a few problems with making these kinds of lists....
I don't think I'm qualified to comment on how "great" players were if I never saw them play. I became a real baseball fan in the early 60's. I saw plenty of Mays, Mantle, and Aaron, for example, but how can I compare them with, let's say, Williams, Musial, and Dimaggio, whose careers I just missed, or, from an even earlier era, Ruth or Cobb?
The only way to compare them is through their statistics, which have to be looked at and evaluated in the context of the era in which they played.
Two examples:
The late 1920's and early 1930's were a great era for hitters. Many Hall of Famers compiled their amazing offensive statistics during this time.
In 1930
The National League's league batting average was .303
The league E.R.A. was 4.97
The American Leahue batting average was .288
The league E.R.A. was 4.65
Bill Terry of the NY Giants hit .401
45 major league regulars hit .300 or better
Compare that with 1968
The N.L. batting average was .243
The league E.R.A was 2.99
The A.L batting average was .230
The league E.R.A. was 2.98
Carl Yastrzemski led the A.L. in batting average, hitting .301
Out of 74 pitchers who qulaified for the E.R.A. title, 49 had an E.R.A. of 3.00 or lower
Seven had an E.R.A. of less than 2.00, led by Bob Gibson's 1.12 and Luis Tiant's 1.60
My point is, isn't Yastrzemski's .301 in 1968 nearly as impressive as Terry's .401 in 1930?
But nobody remembers Yaz's 1968 as a "great" year.
In 1930, Lefty Grove led the A.L. in E.R.A. with a 2.54. the guy who finished second was at 3.31.
In 1930, Dazzy Vance led the N.L. with 2.61. The guy who was second was at 3.76.
Aren't Grove's and Vance's performance in 1930 nearly as impressive as Gibson's in 1968? But nobody remembers them as having great years, either.
Now, we're in another big offensive era, 1994 to the present. How will today's players be evaluated? How do we evaluate the stats of Pujols Guerrero, and A Rod? Sure, they're the best hitters today, but how do we know if they were better hitters than guys who played in a time when offense was less predominant?