This movie's pretty much a gangster film. If not, it's still a criminal movie. Anyway, who's seen it!?! I saw it, a few weeks ago. It was great. Johnny Depp can play like any part he's given. I like these kinds of movies. It's sad, though. What's everybody else's thoughts?
I think it's a tame regurgitation of the "rise and fall of the kingpin" trajectory, helped along by watchable performances and a certain and sufficient enough slap of slickness.
It's a watch-it-once-and-faggedaboudit movie, for me.
Last edited by Capo de La Cosa Nostra; 06/27/0812:36 PM. com bold typeface rhetoric. You go clickety click and get your head split. 'The hell you look like on a message board Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?
A solid movie with great performances by Johnny Depp, Ray Liotta, Penelope Cruz, Rachel Griffiths and Jordi Molla (Diego Delgado). Not in the same league as Goodfellas or Casino but a very entertaining movie nonetheless.