It's that time again.

Maybe a little early, but I'm excited.
All times are in Eastern - I
hope this schedule is what they actually go with.
Dec. 31, 20073:30 AM
IN HIS IMAGEA scientific genius creates an almost-perfect mechanical man, combining all the qualities he feels are missing in his own imperfect, human self.CAST: George Grizzard, Gail Kobe, Katherine Squire, Wallace Rooney, Sherry Granato, James Seay, George Petrie, Jamie Forster, Joseph Sargent.
4:30 AM
KING NINE WILL NOT RETURNA downed bomber pilot crash-lands in the desert. When he regains consciousness he cannot find any of his crew members.CAST: Bob Cummings, Gene Lyons, Seymour Green, Richard Lupino, Paul Lambert, Jenna McMahon.
5:00 AM
A THING ABOUT MACHINESA bad-tempered writer is convinced the machines in his home are conspiring to destroy him.CAST: Richard Haydn, Barbara Stuart, Barney Phillips.
5:30 AM
PERCHANCE TO DREAMA terrified man stumbles into a psychiatrist's office, afraid that if he falls asleep a woman in his dream will murder him.CAST: Richard Conte, John Larch, Suzanne Lloyd, Eddie Marr, Ted Stanhope, Russell Trent.
6:00 AM
8:00 AM
LITTLE GIRL LOSTA couple is awakened in the middle of the night by the cries of their six-year-old daughter who has fallen through a mysterious door into another dimension.CAST: Sarah Marshall, Robert Sampson, Tracy Stratford, Charles Aidman.
8:30 AM
A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTSTimid bank clerk Victor Pool discovers that a coin that lands on its edge as he pays for a paper leaves him with the power to read minds.CAST: Dick York, Dan Tobin, Hayden Rorke, June Dayton, Cyril Delevanti.
9:00 AM
MUTEExperimenting with the powers of telepathy, a mother and father try to raise their daughter in a world free of verbal communication.CAST: Ann Jillian, Frank Overton, Barbara Baxley, Irene Dailey, Oscar Beregi, Claudia Bryar, Robert Boon, Eva Soreny, Percy Helton.
10:00 AM
THE OLD MAN IN THE CAVEA small community has survived the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust by accepting the advice of The Old Man in the Cave.CAST: James Coburn, John Anderson, Josie Lloyd, John Craven, Natalie Masters, John Marley, Frank Watkins, Don Wilbanks, Lenny Geer.
10:30 AM
THE SHELTERA group of neighbors turns into a hostile mob when they try to invade one family's bomb shelter, believing a nuclear attack is imminent.CAST: Larry Gates, Peggy Stewart, Michael Burns, Jack Albertson, John McLiam, Jo Helton, Joseph Bernard, Moira Turner, Sandy Kenyon, Mary Gregory.
11:00 AM
A KIND OF STOPWATCHA talkative man acquires a stopwatch with the power to halt all other action in the world.CAST: Richard Erdman, Leon Balasco, Herbie Faye, Roy Roberts, Doris Singleton, Richard Wessel, Ken Drake, Ray Kellogg, Sam Baiter.
11:30 AM
A PIANO IN THE HOUSEA strange piano allows the listener's hidden character to be suddenly revealed.CAST: Barry Morse, Joan Hackett, Muriel Landers, Don Durant, Phil Coolidge, Cyril Delevanti
12:00 PM
A MOST UNUSUAL CAMERAA pair of petty thieves find that a camera they have just stolen can predict the future by the pictures it takes.CAST: Jean Carson, Fred Clark, Adam Williams.
12:30 PM
DEAD MAN'S SHOESA down-and-out man steals the fancy shoes from the body of a murdered gangster and finds himself living in the dead man's footsteps.CAST: Warren Stevens, Ben Wright, Harry Swoger, Joan Marshall, Eugene Borden, Richard Devon, Florence Marly, Ron Hagerthy, Joe Mell.
1:00 PM
TWENTY-TWOA young woman complains of a recurring nightmare in which she always ends up in Room 22 — the hospital morgue.CAST: Barbara Nichols, Jonathan Harris, Arline Sax, Fredd Wayne, Norma Connolly, Mary Adams, Wesley Lau, Joe Sargeant, Jay Overholts, Carole Conn.
1:30 PM
NIGHTMARE AS A CHILDA teacher's encounter with herself as a child unlocks her memory of witnessing her mother's murder.CAST: Janice Rule, Terry Burnham, Sheppard Strudwick.
2:00 PM
PROBE 7 OVER AND OUTThe lone survivors of two devastated planets meet on a new world.CAST: Richard Basehart, Antoinette Bower, Barton Heyman, Harold Gould.
2:30 PM
I SHOT AN ARROW INTO THE AIRA panicky astronaut traveler, believing his ship has crashed on a deserted asteroid, kills his two companions to save water, then discovers his shocking true location.CAST: Dewey Martin, Edward Binns, Ted Otis.
3:00 PM
NICK OF TIMEA superstitious newlywed husband finds a penny fortune-telling machine that makes uncannily accurate predictions about his life.CAST: William Shatner, Patricia Breslin.
3:30 PM
WHAT YOU NEEDA down-and-out man tries to turn another man's ability to tell the future into a money-making scheme.CAST: Steve Cochran, Read Morgan, Arline Sax, Frank Alloca, Ernest Truax, William Edmonson, Norman Sturgis, Mark Sunday.
4:00 PM
I SING THE BODY ELECTRICA widowed father buys his three young children an electronic grandmother to the delight of all but one of them.CAST: Josephine Hutchinson, David White, June Vincent, Vaughn Taylor, Judy Morton, Dana Dillaway, Paul Nesbitt, Charles Herbert, Veronica Cartwright, Susan Crane.
4:30 PM
UNCLE SIMONA woman learns that she has inherited the estate of the uncle she left to die provided she looks after his latest invention — a robot that mysteriously takes on the nature of her dead uncle.CAST: Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Constance Ford, John McLiam, Ian Wolfe.
5:00 PM
KICK THE CANThe magic of a children's game enables a group of old people to recapture their youth.CAST: Ernest Truex, Hank Patterson, Russell Collins, Earle Hodgins, Burt Mustin, Gregory McCabe, Marjorie Bennett, Lenore Shanewise, Anne O'Neal, John Marley, Barry Truex, Eve McVeagh, Marc Stevens.
5:30 PM
A SHORT DRINK FROM A CERTAIN FOUNTAINA wealthy old man begs his doctor-brother to inject him with an experimental youth serum.CAST: Patrick O'Neal, Ruta Lee, Walter Brooke.
6:00 PM
WHERE IS EVERYBODYGreeted by empty streets, a man searches a small town to find that he is completely and inexplicably alone. The series pilot.CAST: Earl Holliman, James Gregory, John Conwell, Paul Langton, James McCallion, Jay Overholts, Carter Mulavey, Jim Johnson, Gary Walberg.
6:30 PM
THE LONELYConvicted of murder and sent to a deserted asteroid for 40 years, a man is given a robot woman for company.CAST: Jack Warden, John Dehner, Jim Turley, Jean Marsh, Ted Knight.
7:00 PM
TO SERVE MANApparently benign alien emissaries show mankind how to end the misery of war, plague and famine.CAST: Richard Kiel, Hardie Albright, Robert Tafur, Lloyd Bochner, Lomax Study, Theodore Marcuse, Susan Cummings, Nelson Olmstead.
7:30 PM
WILL THE REAL MARTIAN PLEASE STAND UP?On the night of a UFO sighting, seven people at a diner claim to be of Earth, though one of them is not.CAST: Morgan Jones, John Archer, Bill Kendis, John Hoyt, Jack Elam, Jean Wiles, Barney Phillips
8:00 PM
THE 7TH IS MADE UP OF PHANTOMSDuring maneuvers near the site of Custer's Last Stand, three national guardsmen find themselves plunged into the Battle of Little Big Horn.CAST: Ron Foster, Warren Oates, Randy Boone, Robert Bray, Wayne Mallory, Greg Morris, Jeffrey Morris, Jacque Shelton, Lew Brown.
8:30 PM
DEATH'S HEAD REVISITEDAt the Dachau concentration camp, a former Nazi is tried by a phantom jury of his tortured victims.CAST: Oscar Beregi, Joseph Schildkraut, Ben Wright, Karen Verne, Chuck Fox, Robert Boone.
9:00 PM
WALKING DISTANCEA man's need to escape the pressure of his work is so great that he slips back 30 years into his own childhood.CAST: Gig Young, Michael Montgomery, Byron Foulger, Joseph Corey, Frank Overton, Irene Tedrow, Buzz Martin.
9:30 PM
A HUNDRED YARDS OVER THE RIMA 19th-century Western settler, desperately searching for water for his sick son, takes a walk that inexplicably leads him into the next century.CAST: Cliff Robertson, Miranda Jones, John Crawford, Evan Evans.
10:00 PM
A GAME OF POOLA pool master returns from the dead to play one last game with an eager young hustler.CAST: Jack Klugman, Jonathan Winters.
10:30 PM
PERCHANCE TO DREAMA terrified man stumbles into a psychiatrist's office, afraid that if he falls asleep a woman in his dream will murder him.CAST: Richard Conte, John Larch, Suzanne Lloyd, Eddie Marr, Ted Stanhope, Russell Trent.
11:00 PM
TIME ENOUGH AT LASTNearsighted, meek bank clerk Henry Bernis is the sole survivor of an H-bomb attack. At last he has the time to engulf himself in his passion for books. Or so he thinks.CAST: Burgess Meredith, Vaughn Taylor, Jacqueline de Wit, Lela Bliss.
11:30 PM
TWOA man and a woman from different sides of a war are the sole survivors of a nuclear holocaust.CAST: Charles Bronson, Elizabeth Montgomery.
Jan. 1, 200812:00 AM
THE MONSTERS ARE DUE ON MAPLE STREETA mysterious power failure causes paranoid suburban residents to suspect one another of being disguised creatures from outer space.CAST: Claude Akins, Jack Weston, Barry Atwater, Jan Handzlik, Burt Metcalfe, Mary Gregory, Anne Barton, Lea Waggner, Ben Erway, Lyn Guild, Sheldon Allman, William Walsh.
12:30 AM
THE INVADERSA lone woman battles two miniature spacemen whose craft crashes into her isolated farmhouse. The essentially dialogue-free, one-woman performance by the legendary Agnes Moorehead of Citizen Kane, The Magnificent Ambersons and, later, television's Bewitched, is a tour de force. 1:00 AM
A STOP AT WILLOUGHBYA harassed executive escapes into the peaceful town of Willoughby in July 1880.CAST: James Daly, Howard Smith, Patricia Donahue, James Maloney.
1:30 AM
VALLEY OF THE SHADOWA reporter comes upon a peaceful village that guards the secret of creating and obliterating matter. Once he learns the secret, it takes another miracle to release him from the responsibility of the knowledge.CAST: Ed Nelson, Natalie Trundy, David Opatoshu, James Doohan, Suzanne Cupito, Dabbs Greer, Jacques Aubuchon, Sandy Kenyon, Henry Beckman, Bart Burns, King Calder, Pat O'Hara.
2:30 AM
THE ODYSSEY OF FLIGHT 33A commercial airliner, en route to New York, breaks through the time barrier into the prehistoric past.CAST: John Anderson, Paul Comi, Sandy Kenyon, Harp McGuire, Wayne Heffley, Nancy Rennick, Beverly Brown, Jay Overholt, Betty Garde.
3:00 AM
THE LAST FLIGHTFleeing from a World War One dogfight, a cowardly British pilot lands his 1917 biplane at a modem jet air base in France ... in 1959.CAST: Kenneth Haigh, Alexander Scourby, Simon Scott, Robert Warwick, Harry Raybould.
3:30 AM
FIVE CHARACTERS IN SEARCH OF AN EXITFive people — a ballet dancer, a major, a clown, tramp and a bagpipe player — trapped in a featureless enclosure with no idea how they got there attempt to escape.CAST: William Windom, Murray Matheson, Susan Harrison, Kelton Garwood, Clark Allen, Mona Houghton, Carol Hill.
4:00 AM
KING NINE WILL NOT RETURNA downed bomber pilot crash-lands in the desert. When he regains consciousness he cannot find any of his crew members.CAST: Bob Cummings, Gene Lyons, Seymour Green, Richard Lupino, Paul Lambert, Jenna McMahon.
4:30 AM
PRINTER'S DEVILA newspaper editor who is facing bankruptcy hires a man who claims to be the Devil.CAST: Robert Sterling, Patricia Crowley, Burgess Meredith, Ray Teal, Charles Thompson, Doris Kemper, Camille Franklin.
5:00 AM ??
5:30 AM ??
6:00 AM
THE PARALLELAn orbiting astronaut passes into a strange parallel world.CAST: Steve Forrest, Jacqueline Scott, Frank Aletter, Philip Abbott, Shari Lee Bernath, Paul Comi, Morgan Jones, William Sargent.
7:00 AM
I DREAM OF GENIEA mild-mannered clerk finds Aladdin's lamp but decides that using his one wish for wealth, power or the girl of his dreams would be a waste of the lamp's power.CAST: Howard Morris, Patricia Barry, Mark Miller, Jack Albertson, Loring Smith, Joyce Jameson, James Milhollin, Robert Ball, Bob Hastings.
8:00 AM
THE INCREDIBLE WORLD OF HORACE FORDA toy manufacturer recalls his youth with such longing that he becomes a boy again.CAST: Pat Hingle, Nan Martin, Ruth White, Phili
9:00 AM
THE DUMMYA ventriloquist becomes convinced that his dummy has a will and a life of its own.CAST: Cliff Robertson, Frank Sutton, George Murdock, Bethelynn Grey, John Harmon, Sandra Warner, Rudy Dolan, Ralph Manza.
9:30 AM
CAESAR AND MEAn impoverished ventriloquist accedes to his dummy's demands that he turn to crime to make money.CAST: Jackie Cooper, Susanne Cupito, Sarah Selby, Olan Soule, Stafford Repp, Sidney Marion, Don Gazzaniga, Ken Konopka.
10:00 AM
PEOPLE ARE ALIKE ALL OVERSam Conrad, the first human to visit Mars, is relieved to find that the Martians treat him kindly and even build him a house like his home on Earth — but with one big difference.CAST: Roddy McDowell, Paul Comi, Vic Perrin, Susan Oliver, Byron Morrow, Vernon Gray.
10:30 AM
ELEGYEarth-like scenes from many historical periods greet three space travelers who land on a strange planet.CAST: Cecil Kellaway, Kevin Hagen, Jeff Morrow, Don Dubbins.
11:00 AM
THE HUNTA hunter and his faithful dog are drowned while chasing a raccoon, and confront a gatekeeper who implies that he is St. Peter and that Heaven lies inside.CAST: Arthur Hunnicutt, Titus Moede, Charles Seel, Dexter Dupont, Jeanette Nolan, Orville Sherman, Robert Foulk.
11:30 AM
THE LAST RITES OF JEFF MYRTLEBANKWhen a young man steps out of his coffin at his own funeral the townsfolk grow to suspect that the devil has assumed the man's body.CAST: James Best, Ralph Moody, Ezelle Poule, Vickie Barnes, Sherry Jackson, Helen Wallace, Lance Fuller, Bill Fawcett, Edgar Buchanan, Mabel Forrest, Dub Taylor, Jon Lormer, Pat Hector.
12:00 PM
THIRD FROM THE SUNTwo families steal a rocket ship and flee to another world before atomic war devastates their own.CAST: Fritz Weaver, Edward Andrews, Lori March, Will J. White, Joe Maross, Denise Alexander, Jeanne Evans.
12:30 PM
ONE MORE PALLBEARERA wealthy man devises an elaborate hoax to force three people to apologize for humiliating him earlier in his life.CAST: Joseph Wiseman, Gage Clark, Trevor Bardette, Katherine Squire, JosipElic, Ray Galvin, Robert Snyder.
1:00 PM
THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPERFour thieves plot to hide out with their loot for 100 years in a state of suspended animation.CAST: Oscar Beregi, Simon Oakland, John Mitchum, Lew Gallo.
1:30 PM
THE LONG MORROWA deep-space astronaut smashes the suspended-animation device that will keep him young, so that he can age at the same rate as the woman he loves.CAST: Robert Lansing, Mariette Hartley, George MacReady, Edward Binns, William Swan.
2:00 PM
ONE FOR THE ANGELSInformed that his time on Earth is about up, a gentle sidewalk salesman named Bookman talks Mr. Death into letting him make one really big pitch — "one for the angels" — before he dies.CAST: Ed Wynn, Murray Hamilton, Dana Dillaway, Jay Overholts, Merritt Bohn, Mickey Maga
2:30 PM
NOTHING IN THE DARKAn aged recluse barricades herself in an abandoned building in order to avoid "Mr. Death."CAST: Gladys Cooper, Robert Redford, R.G. Armstrong
3:00 PM
IT'S A GOOD LIFEA six-year-old boy holds a town in terror with his powers to change or destroy anyone or anything at will.CAST: Billy Mumy, Cloris Leachman, Alice Frost, Jeanne Bates, Casey Adams, John Larch, Tom Botcher, Don Keefer, Lenore Kingston.
3:30 PM
THE MIND AND THE MATTERA book about thought gives a clerk the power to accomplish anything just by willing it, leaving him free to create an ideal world. Or at least his version of it.CAST: Shelley Berman, Jack Grinnage, Jeane Wood, Chet Stratton.
4:00 PM
THE MIDNIGHT SUNThe Earth has fallen out of its orbit and is drawing closer to the Sun, inflicting ever-increasing heat on the planet.CAST: Lois Nettleton, Betty Garde, Jason Wingreen, Ned Glass, June Ellis, John McLiam, William Keene, Robert J. Stevenson, Tom Reese.
4:30 PM
LIVING DOLLA man is threatened with revenge by the expensive talking doll he is planning to dispose of.CAST: Telly Savalas, Tracy Stratford, Mary LaRoche.
5:00 PM
MINIATURECharley Parkes, a shy bachelor, falls in love with a tiny, beautiful museum doll who he believes is alive.CAST: Robert Duvall, Pert Kelton, Barbara Barrie, Len Weinrib, William Windom, John McLiam, Claire Griswold, Nina Roman, Richard Angarola, Barney Phillips, Joan Chambers, Chet Stratton.
6:00 PM
THE HITCH-HIKERDriving cross-country, a girl keeps seeing the same hitch-hiker on the road ahead, beckoning her toward a fatal accident.CAST: Inger Stevens, Leonard Strong, Adam Williams, Dwight Townsend, Mitzi McCall, Eleanor Audley, Lew Gallo, Russ Bender, George Mitchell.
6:30 PM
IN PRAISE OF PIPBookie Max Phillips learn that his soldier son, Pip, has been critically wounded in Vietnam. Remorseful over the way he raised him, Max pleads with God to take his life in place of his son's.CAST: Jack Klugman, Billy Mumy, Bob Diamond, Connie Gilchrist, John Launer, Ross Elliott, Stuart Nisbet, Russell Horton, Gerald Gordon, Kreg Martin.
7:00 PM
THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDERIn a hospital room, her face completely covered by medical wrappings, a woman waits to see if a last-chance operation on her face has fixed the freakishness that will have her sent to a reservation of outcasts.CAST: Joanna Hayes, Jennifer Howard, William D. Gordon, Maxine Stuart, Donna Douglas.
7:30 PM
NUMBER TWELVE LOOKS JUST LIKE YOUA young woman resists pressure to be transformed into a state-controlled image of flawless beauty.CAST: Collin Wilcox, Suzy Parker, Richard Long, Pam Austin.
8:00 PM
LONG DISTANCE CALLA young boy keeps in touch with his dead grandmother via the toy telephone she once gave him.CAST: Bill Mumy, Philip Abbott, Patricia Smith, Lili Darvas.
8:30 PM
NIGHT OF THE MEEKHenry Corwin, a down-at-the-heels department store Santa, dispenses Christmas cheer to a mission house with the help of a sack that will produce whatever one asks for.CAST: Art Carney, John Fiedler, Meg Wylie, Robert Lieb.
9:00 PM
THE AFTER HOURSA woman who buys a thimble on the ninth floor of a department store later discovers the floor doesn't exist, and makes a startling discovery after the store closes.CAST: Anne Francis, Elizabeth Allen, James Millhollin, John Conwell, Nancy Rennick.
9:30 PM
STOPOVER IN A QUIET TOWNThe day after a drunken party, a married couple awakens in an unfamiliar house with no idea how they got there.CAST: Barry Nelson, Karen Norris, Nancy Malone, Denise Lyon.
10:00 PM
ECW (??)
11:00 PM
NIGHTMARE AT 20,000 FEETA newly released mental patient is the only one able to see a gremlin ripping up the wing of his airliner.CAST: William Shatner, Christine White, Nick Cravat, Edward Kammer, Asa Maynor.
11:30 PM
THE ARRIVALAn airline official tests his theory that a newly arrived but totally empty plane is imaginary-with startling results.CAST: Harold J. Stone, Robert Karnes, Jim Soles, Fredd Wayne, Bing Russell, Noah Keen, Robert Brubaker.
Jan. 2, 2008 12:00 AM
THE MASKSA wealthy old man compels his hateful family to wear masks they think are the opposite of their personalities. When they remove the masks a frightening change has taken place.CAST: Robert Keith, Milton Selzer, Brooke Hayward, Virginia Gregg, Alan Sues, Bill Walker, Willis Bouchey.
12:30 AM
THE GRAVEA hired gunman defies a Western outlaw's warning that if he ever came near his grave he'd reach up and snatch away his life.CAST: Lee Marvin, Strother Martin, Lee Van Cleef, Stafford Rapp, Richard Geary, James Best, Ellen Willrad, William Challee, Larry Johns.
1:00 AM
THE HOWLING MANTaking refuge in a European monastery during a storm, a man hears someone howling and is told it's the Devil who is being held prisoner.CAST: H.M. Wynant, John Carradine, Robin Hughes, Ezelle Poule.
1:30 AM
ESCAPE CLAUSEA man makes a pact with the devil for immortality then finds he doesn't get a kick out of living anymore.CAST: David Wayne, Wendell Holmes, Raymond Bailey, Dick Wilson, Paul E. Burns, Allan Lurie, Virginia Christine, Thomas Gomez, Nesdon Booth, Joe Flynn, George Baxter.
2:00 AM
THE OBSOLETE MANA librarian in a future society is declared obsolete and told he must die.CAST: Burgess Meredith, Fritz Weaver.
2:30 AM
THE MIRRORA victorious revolutionary is shown a mirror in the presidential office that is reputed to show the watcher his own assassins.CAST: Peter Falk, Richard Karlan, Tony Carbone, Val Ruffino, Arthur Batanides, Rodolfo Hoyos, Will Kuluva, Vladimir Sokoloff.
3:00 AM
NIGHT CALLA bedridden spinster receives mysterious phone calls from her long-dead fiancé.CAST: Gladys Cooper, Nora Marlowe, Martine Bartlett.
3:30 AM
JUDGMENT NIGHTA passenger on board a wartime freighter has a premonition that the ship will be sunk by a Nazi submarine at 1:15 a.m., but no one believes him.CAST: Nehemiah Persoff, Patrick Macnee, Leslie Bradley, Kendrick Huxham, Ben Wright, Hugh Sanders, Deirdre Owen, James Franciscus.
4:00 AM
PASSAGE ON THE LADY ANNEAn unhappily married couple on a last-attempt cruise to save their marriage find themselves on an old ship filled with even older couples and an ageless secret.CAST: Lee Philips, Joyce Van Patten, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Cecil Kellaway, Gladys Cooper, Alan Napier, Don Keefer, Cyril Delevanti.
5:00 AM
THE NEW EXHIBITA wax museum's custodian takes in the discarded effigies of famous murderers.CAST: Martin Balsam, Will Kuluva, Maggie Mahoney, William Mims, Milton Parsons, David Bond, Bob Mitchell, Robert L. McCord, Billy Beck, Phil Chambers, Lennie Breman, Ed Barth, Marcel Hillaire, Craig Curtis.