We are all pulling for more freedom and safety in Iran, and we are grateful for your ongoing posts despite the efforts there to shut down the internet and twitter. Stay safe, and keep the information coming as long as you can. You have done these boards a great service by being a first rate poster, but more importantly showing us the beauty and culture of Persia.
"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"
"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."
"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."
[Re: dontomasso]
#545372 06/18/0910:22 AM06/18/0910:22 AM
Thank you,afsaneh. We appreciate the interesting and informative posts you've been giveing us. I send you my prayers and hope for freedom and peace in Iran. Although these times are turbulent and dangerous, what you and your fellow citizens are doing now will have a glorious impact on many future generations, not only in Iran, but in the Middle East and throughout the world.
[Re: klydon1]
#545379 06/18/0901:30 PM06/18/0901:30 PM
afs, in the middle of a long discussion thread I remarked a few years that you showed great class and patience when almost everyone was arguing against your point of view (it was some political discussion). You steadfastly held your ground, never (NEVER) resorting to any below the belt personal attacks, but rather argued the merits of your views. You won me over by simply doing that.
I do not know anyone else from Iran; you are my first direct contact with someone from there. From your posts I've learned that you are no different from me. You are concerned about your homeland, your family, and proud of both (as it should be).
I am grateful that I know you (even if just from the net) and I'm happy that you are a member here. I'm sure that is true of many others here, and with that in mind I think it's only natural that we show some sort of concern for you and your safety.
Once again, dt, this thread was a nice idea.
[Re: SC]
#545411 06/18/0906:06 PM06/18/0906:06 PM
The Mafia Is Not Primarily An Organisation Of Murderers. First And Foremost,The Mafia Is Made Up Of Thieves. It Is Driven By Greed And Controlled By Fear.
Between The Law And The Mafia, The Law Is Not The Most To Be Feared
"What if the Mafia were not an organization but a widespread Sicilian attitude of hostility towards the law?"
"Make Love Not War" John Lennon
[Re: SC]
#545414 06/18/0906:18 PM06/18/0906:18 PM
...something most folks have done in that thread. I was just wondering.
It's a good opportunity to say a few kind words about a member here (rather than the silly congratulatory threads for the number of posts that someone has made).
[Re: SC]
#545418 06/18/0906:40 PM06/18/0906:40 PM
...something most folks have done in that thread. I was just wondering.
It's a good opportunity to say a few kind words about a member here (rather than the silly congratulatory threads for the number of posts that someone has made).
Agreed. I find those threads (the latter) to be utterly useless.
[Re: Double-J]
#545424 06/18/0906:52 PM06/18/0906:52 PM
I too want to thank you for being our on-the-scene (more or less) reporter, keeping us updated. Not to mention, at least in my case, the history lesson..
Stay safe and don't take chances. I'm sure I'm not alone in saying we are all pulling for the best for your country.
Thanks again my friend.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
afs, in the middle of a long discussion thread I remarked a few years that you showed great class and patience when almost everyone was arguing against your point of view (it was some political discussion). You steadfastly held your ground, never (NEVER) resorting to any below the belt personal attacks, but rather argued the merits of your views. You won me over by simply doing that.
SC summed it up in that paragraph! I know that you and I have had our political differences over the years on this board, but don't think for one minute that I ever had any malice or disrepect for you and your views. It was the time that SC is talking about that I too gained a whole lot of respect for you because agree with you or not, you didn't cave into the pressure put on you by the majority who were debating against you, but instead you stood by your beliefs and argued for them with merit, without getting personal or malicious.
SC will verify what I told him about my respecting you after that debate.
I hope that you are ok through all of this.
You might live in a country who's leadership is not well liked by many around the world and by many right here on these boards, but rest assured that you're still OUR Afsaneh and we care and worry about YOU! Your OUR FAMILY!
Please stay safe and keep us posted!
Don Cardi
Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.
[Re: Don Cardi]
#545439 06/18/0908:17 PM06/18/0908:17 PM
Afs, There are not many women who can pull off smart, staunch, steadfast and sexy, but you do so in a spectacular fashion. There are certain members on this board whose name I will click on automatically when I see their posts. You are definitely one of them.
I wish you all the best and look forward to more!! As others have said, stay safe!!!
President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club
[Re: SC]
#545447 06/18/0911:20 PM06/18/0911:20 PM
...something most folks have done in that thread. I was just wondering.
It's a good opportunity to say a few kind words about a member here (rather than the silly congratulatory threads for the number of posts that someone has made).
And by the way, afs, congratulations on 4,200 wonderful posts. I look forward to reading the next 4200.
But seriously, the more I read about and view the Iranian people's stand against oppression and injustice, I keep thinking of Patrick Henry's proclamation in 1765 that lit the fire for revolution in America:
"If this be treason, then make the most of it."
[Re: klydon1]
#545453 06/19/0903:07 AM06/19/0903:07 AM
I'm really speechless! To be in circle of such classy members here is an honor, but to be showered with such kindness by those that I deeply esteem is just invaluable.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones
[Re: afsaneh77]
#545454 06/19/0904:34 AM06/19/0904:34 AM
I am concerned (worried) of what might transpire tomorrow. If you can, please check in with your BB family.
We'd all apreciate it. Stay safe!
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 06/19/0908:33 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
I don't think there would be any shooting while there's sun in the sky, and the crowd is massive. I'll check back in if I can and the net is still connected tonight.
"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones
[Re: afsaneh77]
#545558 06/20/0912:53 PM06/20/0912:53 PM
Like the others who have posted, I have also been watching the news reports and praying for your safety and a reasonable solution to a very frightening situation.
You are certainly in my thoughts.
Signor V.
"For me, there's only my wife..."
"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"
"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"
"It was a grass harp... And we listened."
"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"
I've hoped for this day for a long, long time. Since before the U.S invaded Iraq, geopolitical experts have talked of a burgeoning revolution amongst the student population in Iran, and that the deposing of Saddam Hussein could finally free it to go forward. And I prayed that it would happen this way, on the people's own terms, and not on the terms of the U.S and British military. I hoped we'd be able to talk to you and you'd be giving us an on-the-ground account of what's going on, and I knew we'd all be apprehensive and worried as shit about you... And ya, I think we're all pretty worried. But I just thank God that it wasn't yet another preemptive U.S military strike, and pray that the Church will come to it's senses and find a peaceful resolution.
And since I know Forrest Gump is one of your favorite American films, and maybe you even feel kinda like a Forrest Gump somehow at the epicenter of this whole thing... I want you to promise me something, okay? If you're ever in trouble, don't you try to be brave, you just run, okay? Just run away.
[Re: Ice]
#545752 06/21/0907:54 PM06/21/0907:54 PM
As horrible and troubling as these times have been, it's good to laugh sometimes and still try to be thankful for what we have. I know Afs is a fan of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and 'correspondent' Jason Jones has (heroically) been covering the Iranian revolution since before the riots began. In a recent piece he sought to find out why Iranians are so inherently EVIL, in...
I especially like the very end when he's jumping around and screaming with the little boy & girl playing video games. Then they all start jamming-out with the dad to Dire Straits' "Walk of Life" on the keyboard...wtf?
That song pretty much represents my childhood, the 1980's and AMERICANA! And seeing the little Iranian kids rockin' out to it reminded me how much fun we used to have dancing and singing along when this one first came out and I was just 5 or 6 yrs old...So, yes, here's a SHOUT-OUTZ to all of the brave and fervent Iranian protesters doing The Walk!
...And after all the violence and double talk Theres just a song in the trouble and the strife You do the walk...
[Re: Ice]
#545815 06/22/0909:51 AM06/22/0909:51 AM