It happened a long time ago, in a decade far, far away...
A few months ago, while conducting yet another of my periodic purges in my life, I found a list of songs that I compiled about 15 years ago, a list of "one hit wonders" from the 1980's. It takes up both sides of an 8-1/2x11 sheet of paper with close to 100 different bands. I set it aside thinking that one day I'd get on YouTube or iTunes and download what I wanted.
This past week, listening to the radio on the way home from work, a local disc jockey was recapping the year in music in Chicago and he mentioned a reunion concert which took place last February at Cabaret Metro, a club on Clark Street just across from Wrigley Field. The show, on February 14th, was called the "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" and featured a band called
The Godfathers as the headline act. I'll be damned...
I got home and found that list of one-hit wonders, and near the top of the list was the song
Birth. School. Work. Death. from
The Godfathers. Like this song, the majority of the songs on the list owe virtually all of their popularity to MTV and the "golden age of music television." But that's what I remember about this band...I remember seeing the video for this song before I heard it on the radio.
Anyway, it's a stretch, but I think we owe it to ourselves, as fans of the move "The Godfather," to also have at least one post on the bb about the band "The Godfathers."
Here's a link to the
live performance at Cabaret Metro in Chicago on February 14, 2009 courtesy of YouTube.
And here's the link to
original video aired on MTV c. 1988 that I remember seeing.
tony b.