in an effort to get away from the "random" threads, I thought I should start a new topic with my questioning even if I still think it isn't worth of its own topic;
but people seem to be responding more often to new threads in this section and maybe we could just go on talking about Janice Soprano - that's a great character, Aida Turturro is a monster on that role. I guess Aida and Edie Falco may provide the best acting among the sea of great acting in this series. buuuuuuuut...
...was Janice snorting coke at thanksgiving in the episode "The Telltale Moozadell"?
I'm not sure how her character will develop so I'm guessing this is a hint on something that's about to come but I found it really odd even so.
right after that guy who keeps faling asleep gives a rant about how people shouldn't drink, Janice nods at him but Tony flashes her a signal like she's just snorted a line and has some white leftover on her nose;
couldn't she resist a line over a family dinner? and while I knew it couldn't last much long, I
was buying her born again christian mentality