Interesting points Lou, Turnbull. I suppose it comes down to personal opinions but I am a massive sceptic of conspiracy theories. However in this case I find it more illogical/fantastical that Oswald and ruby acted alone after reading everything with a sceptical and neutral mind. Your points on Ruby in my opinion don’t make logical sense to me and seem in contradiction to what Ruby was about. “Sobbing to everyone he knows about Mrs Kennedy and her children? To save Mrs Kennedy a trial?” A seedy strip club operator…? The motive of ruby doing it by himself seems so illogical and I don’t think there is a logical motive for him doing it by himself that fits in with who he was.
The Oswald hit being a crime of opportunity is on the basis of Ruby not being repeatedly tipped off in some way on when to go.. The lone shooter x 2 is an opinion based on the bare agreed black & white fact without considering all of the other ties which for me scream at me when researching. But if it’s a conspiracy there would need to be the element of secrecy/plausible deniability. And when there are so many potential unproven elements some tend to just discount everything and stick to black and white facts..
Not to take anything away from both your opinions and your own research which I respect.
Re: The Immortal Impact Of JFK On American Politics
[Re: CNote]
#1078496 12/30/2311:47 AM12/30/2311:47 AM
Jack Ruby pictured here with his beloved daschund Sheba, which Ruby left in his car just before shooting Oswald. Ruby also left a bag of money in the trunk, further indicating a lack of premeditation.
Interesting C note but I think it could easily be an indication of premeditation to have the dog in the car so someone could attend to the dog asap rather than leaving it at home. We all love dogs and ruby could easily tell his mates at Dallas pd please look after my dog, he’s in the car..
And a bit of cash in the car is just that. Ruby is about to undertake an historical task of taking out Oswald why would he care about some cash in the car.
Re: The Immortal Impact Of JFK On American Politics
[Re: Sonny_Black]
#1078497 12/30/2312:34 PM12/30/2312:34 PM
I understand your skepticism, Liborio, and I appreciate the courteous way you expressed it.
What makes me lean toward Ruby acting alone is his deepening mental illnesses before, during and after the Oswald murder. He was a paranoid schizophrenic, possibly bipolar. Yes, he was a thug and a sleazy operator, but he also had a need to hero-worship authority figures—one reporter who knew him characterized him as “a pathetic figure.” And, as Lou said, he was a would-be big shot. He was also convinced of an anti-Jewish plot behind JFK’s assassination. You can find a scholarly discussion of Ruby’s mental problems here:
As for the assassination: Given the passage of 60 years, the deaths of so many people who might have been in the know, and the non-discovery or disappearance (accidental or deliberate) of evidence, the only thing I’m certain of is that the case will never be closed. The conspiracy theorists might be right, the Warren Commission backers might be right, but I don’t think either side will settle it.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu, E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu... E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.
Re: The Immortal Impact Of JFK On American Politics
[Re: Sonny_Black]
#1078578 12/31/2312:49 AM12/31/2312:49 AM
The top three Kennedy assassination books that prove once and for all that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman who pulled off the killing of the century with no involvement in any sort of conspiracy;
1) Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi
2) Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi
3) Reclaiming History by Vincent Buglios
If you haven't read it take the time to do so. Granted, it is a huge volume (approx 1600 pages) but I think IMHO,you will be glad you did.
I picked up a copy at the local 1/2 price book store,but after reading it,I would have willingly spent 3 times the actual retail price on it.
I have been trying to get every conspiracy believer to read Reclaiming History for the longest time. Before I read it, I had read several books that bought into the conspiracy. I bought into it for the longest time myself, but as I was reading Reclaiming History I began to realize that the facts of the case were either misinterpreted or simply completely ignored by the conspiracy theorists. It also became evident that they had selectively cherry-picked information, creating a distorted version of events to fit preconceived notions.
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Re: The Immortal Impact Of JFK On American Politics
[Re: Hollander]
#1078611 12/31/2304:28 PM12/31/2304:28 PM
When news came out that Oswald and had been shot and killed, the crowd outside cheered, and people around the country were glad, Obviously they did not see the future conspiracy theories coming, I think almost every man and women in America would have lynched him if given the chance. Ruby got the chance.
Re: Books about the Kennedy assassination
[Re: Sonny_Black]
#1098946 09/08/2401:16 AM09/08/2401:16 AM
Panel discussion with three Dallas students who observed the Kennedy motorcade on November 22, 1963. North Dallas High School student Richard Clark photographed the presidential limousine on Lemmon Avenue, while eleven-year-old Johnny Rincon waited with friends to see the motorcade on Turtle Creek Boulevard. Oak Cliff eighth grader Lisa Hembry was among the thousands who saw President and Mrs. Kennedy on Main Street in downtown Dallas. The program, moderated by Curator Stephen Kidnostadin, took place at the Museum on August 30, 2024.