I do believe that we have some bright people on this board . So I have this question , and I know that you have read the news , at least I hope so ! The big bad Bully , the one that fricks with kids ! So what the prick or prickless has it rough at home

who the heck might not , but they have to mess with kids, grandkids, kids down the block ! It has been going on for fricken years and we all know about it ! Maybe like me, you have been one of them , until that day you kick ass! (I was lucky ) Now there are computer's face books, that some don't even fricken have and they are made fun of , fricked with at school , and often times do not have 2 parents at home and if they they do they can't do shit !

or won't, even teach a kid how to fight ! And the education system SUCKS ! Do they help these kids before they fricken kill themselves ???? NO !!!! But afterwards Oh what a shame for Johnny, or Sarah !!!!! They can go FTS !!!!!!!!!! And I hope they feel the flames on their ass's the same as all of us that don't stand up and do something about this matter !!!!!!!!!!
Frosty , is pissed, and you all should have a right to be to ! Instead of the stupid stuff we blow about , what about your kids, or grandkids ! Friends that have kids in this shit!
Frosty is banned again ! Sorry that was my last Blow ! So Later , and God Bless but do the right thing ! But I have said what is what is killing our young people and then they also go to schools with guns and kill others because NO ONE WOULD FRICKEN HEAR THEIR CRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do with the kids that live around me and they know ! I am there for them ! Any time day or night ! Are You ?