A double crosser to me is a rat. Just as much as a federal informant is. Maybe even more. So most of these mobsters are rats, over the fact that they double cross and back stab one another left and right. The'd even kill their own friends. Whaddaya think?

I know I write about the mob, but that doesn't mean I admire mobsters. Mob stuff is a very interesting thing to read about. The ones who call people wannabes because they take an interest in reading and researching it should take a great look at themselves or grow up!!! When I lived in Paterson as a kid I saw people there and in Newerk when I visited cousins of mine. I also had a run in with a DeCalvalcante soldier for talking about him and saying I knew him. He confronted me over the phone and asked me not to say stuff or write about him and said, "I don't wanna be your hobby." I told him I was sorry and that I respect him. He was reasonable and let it go. At a young age, I looked up to mobsters, mostly due to false movies made about them, but I later learned what was up.