Maybe parolees should be required to be home in bed by midnight.
Convicted killer and reputed Colombo associate Joseph “Joey Cupcakes” Urgitano was cruising with Michael Groark and Louis Navarro in a Camaro convertible through the west side of downtown Manhattan in the wee hours of August 4 when they apparently found trouble, and the trio has been “charged with gang assault and attempted gang assault” for their alleged roles in beating a man unconscious after a street confrontation as reported by Janon Fisher for the Daily News: “Groark and Navarro are out on bail, but Urgitano remains behind bars for violating the terms of his probation for a 1988 murder conviction.”
Friends of Ours 
More information on Urgitano is available from the last year story below by William K. Rashbaum.
Joey Cupcakes Is Taken Down, From Rao’s Wall