When that book first came out my wife was in a bookstore here in Kings Plaza buying a book. Got to tell you all the book stores here have gone out of business. Nobody reads real books anymore at least they are not buying them here.
Well I never read books they put me to sleep. Any way I am with her we were probably going to a movie after. Kings plaza had a movie theather that went out of business as well.
So I am looking at sports books. Remember Run to Daylight by Vince Lomardi that was a kick ass book that I actually did read.
Then I saw it "the mafia encyclopedia" well that got my attention

I actually found something on NY Purple Gang in that book. I could not believe it no one knew about them back then. At least no one wrote about them.
There was a whole 7 lines of print on one page in a what was it a thousand page book? They calked them the 6th NY crime family. That was news to me I never heard anyone call them that before.
Since it was all about crime I thought I should steal it and not pay for it. Never read any of it just that little blurb.