So for school I had to do a research about General Sandino from Nicaragua. While I was reading up some files on him I read that he reached out to Al Capone for assistance against his war against the US. Al Capone allegedly declined to help but told a gangster from Detroit named Tony Delduca about his need for help.
Tony delduca apparently was interested and he visited him and he gave a car as a gift to Sandino. It is also said that he was the leader of the Purple gang in Detroit, but I always thought they were a Jewish organization

(or atleast Jewish leadership).
does somebody know more about this individual or is it just some bullshit? I hardly can find reliable sources to confirm this story, any info would be appreciated.
Here are some pictures:
The one on the far left is Delduca
The one in white is Delduca and to the right Sandino.