Casso was a ruthless gangster who loved killing he ordered murders and commited some of them personally, he killed many people (Mostly members of his own crime family who he though were rats) to make him and his friend Vittorio Amuso feel more secure. some of the murders he ordered were committed by Corrupt NYPD Detectives Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa. below is a list of murders he was involved in.
Order: No/Name/Rank/Affiliation/When/Involvement/Reason
1.Anthony Luongo/Capo/Lucchese Crime Family/1986/Personal/ To take control of the Lucchese crime family.
2.Israel Greenwald/none/independent/February 10th 1986/Ordered It/ Greenwald was murdered because he was extorted by the Lucchese crime family and was reporting them to the FBI.
3.Frank DeCicco/Underboss/Gambino Crime Family/April 13th 1986/At The Scene/ DeCicco was killed by a car bomb in revenge for the unsanctioned murder of Paul Castellano, the real target was John Gotti but DeCicco was killed by mistake.
4.James Hydell/Associate/Gambino Crime Family/May 1986/Personal/ Hydell had attempted to kill casso, in revenge casso brutally tortured him for 12 hours shooting him in his limbs and joints, to find out who Hydell was working for.
5.Vladimir Reznikov/Enforcer/Russian Mob/June 13th 1986/Ordered It/ Reznikov was murdered because he had threatened Marat Baluga the leader of the russian bratva. Marat went to the consigliere of the Lucchese crime family for help and they handled it.
6.Nicholas Guido/none/independent/December 25th 1986/Ordered It/ Nicholas Guido was innocent Telephone Engineer murdered in mistaken identity, he shared the same name as one of the people who tried to kill Casso.
7.Michael Pappadio/Capo/Lucchese Crime Family/1987/Ordered It/ For refusing to hand over control of his businesses.
8.Thomas Gilmore/Associate/Lucchese Crime Family/February 1989/Ordered It/ For allegedly being an informant.
9.Robert Kubecka/none/independent/August 11th 1989/Ordered It/ Murdered because his waste management business was in competition with the Lucchese waste management business, and for refusing to give in to extortion.
10.Donald Barstow/none/independent/August 11th 1989/Ordered It/ Murdered because his waste management business was in competition with the Lucchese waste management business, and for refusing to give in to extortion.
11.Anthony DiLapi/Soldier/Lucchese Crime Family/Feburary 4th 1990/Ordered It/ For allegeldy being an informant.
12.Michael Salerno/Capo/Lucchese Crime Family/June 5th 1990/Ordered It/ Amuso and Casso wanted to murder a potential enemy.
13.Bruno Facciolo/Soldier/Lucchese Crime Family/August 1990/Ordered It/ For allegedly being an informant.
14.Edward Lino/Capo/Gambino Crime Family/November 6th 1990/Ordered It/ To get to John Gotti.
15.Bartholomew Boriello/Capo/Gambino Crime Family/April 13th 1991/Ordered It/ to get to John Gotti.
16.Patrick Testa/Soldier/Lucchese Crime Family/December 2nd 1992/Ordered It/ Casso wanted to murder a potential enemy.
17.Frank Signorino/None/Unknown/Feburary 2nd 1993/Ordered It/ Signorio was Peter Chiodo's uncle, he was murdered to intimidate Chiodo who had become an informant after a murder attempt on his and his wife's lives.
Casso also to Al D'Arco to kill his architect Anthony Fava in 1992's dream house has a modern stucco design that was the work of Anthony Fava, an architect and contractor who had done other work for mobsters.
Fava, 37, did work on the 19th Hole, the Bay Ridge bar-hangout of Casso and Amuso, and La Donna Rosa, an eatery on Cleveland Place owned by D'Arco's son, Joseph.
D'Arco told the FBI that Casso ordered Fava's execution during a phone conversation in 1991. D'Arco said Casso "needed Fava killed" because the architect knew about "illegal deals relative to Casso's home."
On Sept. 20, Fava's body was found in a stolen car in Bensonhurst. He had been stabbed, shot and stripped to his boxer shorts, with his body wrapped in a plastic sheet.