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Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: MusclesMarinara]
09/03/16 05:19 AM
09/03/16 05:19 AM
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Every day in these cities there is probably 100 deaths related to gangs and drugs and none of that matter.
And what is different than the stuff this whole website is about.there is very few black men who could close to the crap the guys this website is based on have done. You ship every job you can out of the country then wonder why folks sell drugs?. if you are that concerned(which i doubt)tell these gop jokers since they dominate the state houses to legalize it all and watch these killings disappear. What they are doing is no more than what Al Capone and others did.i am not saying it is right, but let's get real
getting mad at BLM= N-word shut up and keep letting us F you over.just keep being quiet while scumbag cops with garbage work records kill unarmed black folks and go on paid leave.
plus the homicide rates have dropped in every big city compared to bush-clinton-bush eras by 40% or more. go check it out.
we know crooks whether they are black,white or yellow have no standards, the effing cops are supposed to!!!!!! that is why people are pissed.
Last edited by satch7; 09/03/16 05:24 AM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: MusclesMarinara]
09/03/16 10:48 PM
09/03/16 10:48 PM
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Hey satch7 Stop playing dumb. You know damn well shipping jobs out of the country has nothing to do with black on black crime. They've been killing each other from day one, its their damn culture. They need to stop having babies out of wedlock, plain and simple. It aint about jobs. They will be wtill be blaming whitey a hundred years from now, you watch. They could have a million job offerings and they woukd still be having babies, selling drugs, and killing inncocent people. Why? Because thats what they do.
Last edited by Crash; 09/03/16 10:50 PM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: satch7]
09/03/16 11:07 PM
09/03/16 11:07 PM
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Satch is full of shit.
13% of the population is black, committing over 60% of violent crimes.
Effeminate cuck metrosexual white guilt males seeking approval from institutionalized lesbianic femenists at rape apology seminars buy this crap.
God damn moon bats.
Last edited by Sauce; 09/03/16 11:08 PM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: Crash]
09/05/16 04:22 AM
09/05/16 04:22 AM
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to crash:
who moving heavy weight dope shipments in tons? it daggone sure is not the brother in the hood is it? and all that crap is drug related. what middle class and upper middle class brothers gang banging and doing drive-bys none fool!!!!!! poor folks of all races commit crime
crash you have written a bunch of ignorant racist garbage on here. I can contact well over 100 degreed black folks on my linkedin account, when I hear a white person talking that shit I know they do not know any black folks. we have all seen folks standing in line in the inner cities to fill out job apps on tv. I know black airline pilots, I know scores of black engineers,and I see white folks on corners begging here in Washington state. I bet you this for every moron fucking up in the hood there are 20 kids going to school doing the right thing.
Are you fixing your own community? Because white people usually kill other white people. This white on white continuous cycle of death needs to be stopped!
Last edited by satch7; 09/05/16 05:08 AM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: Sauce]
09/05/16 04:43 AM
09/05/16 04:43 AM
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to sauce I got something for you Highlights: For the period 2008–12— Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000). Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8–2.5 per 1,000). The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. However, the rate of violent victimization for Hispanics did not vary across poverty levels. Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000). Poor persons living in urban areas (43.9 per 1,000) had violent victimization rates similar to poor persons living in rural areas (38.8 per 1,000). Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000). http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=pbdetail&iid=5137everybody with two brain cells know poverty and greed drives crime. when I was poor it briefly entered my mind to sling dope once I got my papers that bullshit left my head. I am a black man who knows the deal . but I got some more facts for you the Bureau of Justice statistics arrest trends for 2010 showed that whites were arrested more than blacks for violent crimes, property damage and drug possession/use/abuse and manufacturing than blacks, and again, the victims are typically white as well I can tell you these poor white boys in metro seattle with drug habits bust these white folks ass breaking in their homes.they are prowling their cars,following the UPS guy and stealing the boxes.a white lady told me about a white woman who moved to seattle talking about she was glad to be away from minorities, She said she busted her bubble fast and told her the white men and women with drug habits will fuck you over first out here
Last edited by satch7; 09/05/16 04:58 AM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: BobbyPazzo]
09/05/16 05:46 PM
09/05/16 05:46 PM
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Bobby P., Glad you didn't get hit, BUT....with all due respect, what were you thinking? The place you knew doesn't exist anymore.And even without the local spike in violence, a Labor Day cookout (at night?) in the hood is NEVER a good look. One day I was in a bind,and on the road... stopped off at the public library on Alexander Street in Newark to make a photocopy and a local dude tried to "Chris and Snoop" me. Asked me how to get to South Orange Avenue, like I was a lost tourist. Outsiders have a right to judge these hoods and the people who live there. One thing that they will never know though, is how they would have fared, survived, and made it out of some of these places if they were brought up there. We can both answer that question for ourselves because we did it. As arrogant as people tend to be, thinking they did things on their own, the truth is that nurturing,support and values given to us by the ones who helped raise us...plays a big role in what we make of ourselves. I know people who succeeded despite having NONE of that, but like you said...not having that puts anybody at a big disadvantage. *Hope that was some good barbecue for you to risk your neck like that.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: MusclesMarinara]
09/05/16 07:29 PM
09/05/16 07:29 PM
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You guys keep talking about how we dont know what its like to surive in the high crime ghetto area's.. Well guess what? You are right!!! Know why? Because we arent having babues out of wedlock at 75%. All the problems in the black community can be traced to irresponsible behavior. Think about it. Make the schools better, offer more after school programs bla bla bla. Tax payers pay for all this stuff and it gets wasted because all these kids are running around unsupervised. You need skills and education to succeed. Its not something thats owed to you simply because you are born. You earn it. I have no problem helping children since they never asked to be here, it was their irresposnsible parents ( if you want to call them that) who brought them here. How about spending money on the dangers of out of wedlock kids and getting pregnant at an early age? How about that ??? I dont care how many fuckin jobs are available, you need to be raised correctly. I love how black athletes get paid millions, have a bunch of babies with different woman, send checks every month amd think they are fathers... They are garbage cans. Until the black community decides to help themselves, why should hard working people( blacks included) pay forntheir irresposnsible life styles. Blacks getting shot every day? Of course, there are no fathers to enforce discipline. This shit is getting old. Let em keep killing each other. Just stay the fuck out of my hard working neighborhood. How about this, go to a very poor white neighborhood and tell me how many drive by shootings there are.. The answer will ne zero. The black culture is so flawed i wonder if it will ever get better. Next time i see another 19 year old black covered in tattoos, gold teeth, wearing dreadlocks, and pushing a baby carriage, im gonna vomit.
Last edited by Crash; 09/05/16 07:36 PM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: getthesenets]
09/05/16 09:44 PM
09/05/16 09:44 PM
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Bobby P., Glad you didn't get hit, BUT....with all due respect, what were you thinking? The place you knew doesn't exist anymore.And even without the local spike in violence, a Labor Day cookout (at night?) in the hood is NEVER a good look. One day I was in a bind,and on the road... stopped off at the public library on Alexander Street in Newark to make a photocopy and a local dude tried to "Chris and Snoop" me. Asked me how to get to South Orange Avenue, like I was a lost tourist. Outsiders have a right to judge these hoods and the people who live there. One thing that they will never know though, is how they would have fared, survived, and made it out of some of these places if they were brought up there. We can both answer that question for ourselves because we did it. As arrogant as people tend to be, thinking they did things on their own, the truth is that nurturing,support and values given to us by the ones who helped raise us...plays a big role in what we make of ourselves. I know people who succeeded despite having NONE of that, but like you said...not having that puts anybody at a big disadvantage. *Hope that was some good barbecue for you to risk your neck like that. First off that seen was great. I know a couple Chris and snoops out here that strictly kill like its business and they take pride in their work. Nuts. As far as me being out there... Bro I ain't gonna go to governer, the blvd (rosa parks) , or anywhere close to those battlefields but where I was at ain't that bad. The shots were more than likely coming from the other side of Roberto Clemente park. It's close but not really because theres a park and school that separate it. Bro I probably won't go to any kind of Social gathering out there anytime soon but I ain't gonna not go to a friend who i consider family's family BBQ because of what's going on out there. It's a decent block where they live close to the Italian cafés on 21st ave. the thing is with paterson u can go over one block and it's night and day brother. Now the fact I was waking on summer street that late wasn't smart but there was so many beautiful woman out I couldn't help it. And not no hood boogers. Straight up beauties who work and conduct themselves like ladies. But I won't be chilling out there anytime soon.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: BobbyPazzo]
09/05/16 10:06 PM
09/05/16 10:06 PM
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Bobby P, Glad you're safe, just busting your chops.Plus everybody knows that the only food that's worth getting hit for in Paterson is at The Brownstone. I'd take a hit from a .22 for the food there. The area that we drove through getting there was Ramsey Street. Everybody was Latino with handful of Arabs(they had hats with their country flags on them, otherwise they appear Latino)
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: DanteMoltisanti]
09/06/16 05:46 PM
09/06/16 05:46 PM
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Bobby Pazzo,
Is Taormina better than Patsy's for pie? I've been to Patsy's before but never Taormina....Curious Never been to Patsy's believe it or not. Taormina used to be amazing, its still good but it's not like it once was. Still good pizza though.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: Blackjack2121]
09/06/16 06:48 PM
09/06/16 06:48 PM
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Well, it was another lovely and joy filled holiday weekend in Baltimore City...Like 20 people shot
And among those injured...were two children under 10 and a pregnant female
Baltimore obviously doesnt discriminate
What a shit hole! Bodymore, Murdaland I been out there. It's insanity. As bad as paterson is it ain't got shit on bmore. Bigger city but it's the mentality they have out there. Nothing to lose tattooed around their gun wounds.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: Homers77]
09/06/16 06:52 PM
09/06/16 06:52 PM
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It is disgusting what goes on in these neighbor hoods and Black Lives Matter movement ppl have some balls.
For starters it should be all lives matter but fine if they can't go that far at least make it all black lives matter.
Every day in these cities there are probably 100 deaths related to gangs and drugs and none of those matter.
But the one in five thousand time a white person commits a violent crime against a black male that matters.
It is the most ridiculous concecpt and receives way to much media attention.
Imagine if I started a white lives matter movement?? Which would have more action because there are far more black on white crimes then there are white on black crimes.
But then I would be labeled racist.
It is laughable but it's not it's serious! being mad at black people for starting a movement about cops shooting blacks is racist not too mention what the fuck does black lives matter have to do with this article First off I am by no means racist. Second the article is discussing how bad the violence in Paterson is and how young black males are shooting and killing each other all the time. How does it not relate to the black lives matter? Where are they? Off the top of my head there were 3 black males killed in Paterson, 2 in Newark and 3 with a few severely injured in Atlantic City in the past 4 days ..... Why are they not there protesting the violence? BLM is about the police killing unarmed and/or innocent black people there are other programs and protest about blacks killing blacks
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: BobbyPazzo]
09/06/16 07:23 PM
09/06/16 07:23 PM
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Well, it was another lovely and joy filled holiday weekend in Baltimore City...Like 20 people shot
And among those injured...were two children under 10 and a pregnant female
Baltimore obviously doesnt discriminate
What a shit hole! Bodymore, Murdaland I been out there. It's insanity. As bad as paterson is it ain't got shit on bmore. Bigger city but it's the mentality they have out there. Nothing to lose tattooed around their gun wounds. I stay out of the city if I can. Not because im a pussy but I value life. A lot of dudes out there don't, they figure they are doing life or getting killed and never making it. They killed Lor Scoota over jealousy and him about to make it out the hood. I mean parts of the city aint bad if you going to an orioles game or ravens or something. But def parts you dont wanna walk along the street on for sure lol
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: MusclesMarinara]
09/06/16 09:19 PM
09/06/16 09:19 PM
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Hey cookcounty, BLM has everything to do with blacks killing blacks. Because of all the extreme violence perpetrated by blacks, when cops go into those violent stricken hoods they are much more cautious. All the outrage from all the hardworking people is because blacks slaughter each other each day and no one says anything because godforbid the truth is told . But if a cop shoots a black guy its a lynching.
Seriously , how many unarmed blacks get killed by white cops each year? How many? Not many, thats for sure. You have a gun on you get approached by a cop and get shot, its your own fuckin fault. Dont carry an illegal gun !!! That parasite in Milwaukee is playing gang banger in hell right now. Fuck em. White cops killing unarmed blacks; is it really an eppidemic? No !!!!!!
Last edited by Crash; 09/06/16 09:22 PM.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: Crash]
09/06/16 10:55 PM
09/06/16 10:55 PM
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Hey cookcounty, BLM has everything to do with blacks killing blacks. Because of all the extreme violence perpetrated by blacks, when cops go into those violent stricken hoods they are much more cautious. All the outrage from all the hardworking people is because blacks slaughter each other each day and no one says anything because godforbid the truth is told . But if a cop shoots a black guy its a lynching.
Seriously , how many unarmed blacks get killed by white cops each year? How many? Not many, thats for sure. You have a gun on you get approached by a cop and get shot, its your own fuckin fault. Dont carry an illegal gun !!! That parasite in Milwaukee is playing gang banger in hell right now. Fuck em. White cops killing unarmed blacks; is it really an eppidemic? No !!!!!! So you're going to conveniently ignore the second sentence of Cook's post where he mentions the groups that do speak out against black on black violence. these organizations also protest and march, and just because you may have not been aware of their existence doesn't mean they haven't been speaking out against these things for years. you couldn't hide the hate in your blood if your life depended on it.
Re: Rise in homicides sets off alarms in Paterson
[Re: CabriniGreen]
09/08/16 10:04 AM
09/08/16 10:04 AM
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I hear you guys, we had like 400 shootings, I think? 90 murders in August....
That's insane.