In the 50s I bought a record off someone at the giglio feast up in Italian Harlem of the giglio marches sung by the late great Tuddy Ferrara loved that music I still do. Any way I had a flood in my basement and the record got damaged.
I told my uncle and he was friends with Tuddy and he made me a record with a couple of his songs.
I never could find that record again and trust me I looked all over for it. My oldest daughter found it for me about 13 yrs ago. It was under the band leaders name it made no mention of giglio music or Tuddy Ferrara.
She bought it on eBay for 4 dollars.

Wow I thought it was the greatest gift in the world. I never bought on eBay then.
So I had a friend a doowop singer take the record and make it into a cassette tape so I could listen to it while I was out of the house.
Then I took the tape and brought it to a place to make it into a cd.
I had my wife make a cover for it she called it Giglio melodies with the titles of all the songs on it. My desk top computer made copies of the cd for me to give away to people.
Had my son do that for me I not good at that stuff.
To make a long long story short. Sold the cd to an obsure music producer he had to pay for copy right to family of the band leader. I got money for it with no aggravation a one time payment.
I kept half gave have to my daughter for finding the record and buying it for me for 4 bucks.
You can now buy some of my favorite Italian March songs on iTunes. I only like 5 of the 11 songs on it.