While doing some research on the Outfit chart from the late 20's till now, I also came across this one list from the 70's who me and some of the boys discussed some time ago and so I though about posting it for you guys. Also, big credit goes to Snakes since he was the one who started this list with 72 hits, while I later added 21 additional murders including their alleged executioners. In addition, this is a list of all Outfit-related killings (in Chicago and around the country) during that decade which portraits the Chicago crime family as one of the most, if not the top, murderous and individual crime family in the country during that period. My point is that this was the result of the previous and numerous FBI operations which occurred during the 1960's and almost destroyed the crime syndicate. Also, even anyone has any additional info, like a mistake or a conflicting report, or posses some missing info regarding other Outfit-related murders and hit men, please contribute...
1. March 21, 1970: Carmen Trotta (unknown) 2. August, 1970: Michael Albergo (Frank Calabrese) 3. September 28, 1970: Mario Sprovieri (possibly by Tony Spilotro) 4. January 2, 1971: Rosario Corriero (unknown) 5. June 17, 1971: Robert Pronger (William Dauber and Steve Ostrowsky) 6. October 19, 1971: Sam Cesario (Harry Aleman) 7. December 15, 1971: Henry LaKey (possibly Tony Spilotro) 8. March 10, 1972: Charles Carroll (unknown) 9. August 8, 1972: Guido Fidanzi (William Dauber) 10. September 2, 1972: Roger Croach (William Dauber and Donald Boye) 11. September 3, 1972: Mike Ragan (William Dauber and John Schnadenberg) 12. September 27, 1972: William Logan (Harry Aleman) 13. April 14, 1973: Sam DeStefano (Mario DeStefano and Tony Spilotro) 14. June 23, 1973: William Klim (NV) (Tony Spilotro) 15. November 22, 1973: Samuel Marcello (possibly by Wayne Cascone and James Erwin) 16. November 22, 1973: Joseph Grisafe (possibly by Wayne Cascone and James Erwin) 17. December 20, 1973: Richard Cain (Harry Aleman, Joey Lombardo and Frank Schweihs) 18. January 27, 1974: Wayne Cascone (James Erwin) 19. February 24, 1974: Socrates Rantis (Gerald Scarpelli and James Erwin) 20. April 21, 1974: William Simone (unknown) 21. June 14, 1974: Anthony Dichiarinte (possibly by Joey Lombardo) 22. July 13, 1974: Orion Williams (Harry Aleman) 23. September 27, 1974: Daniel Seifert (Frank Schweihs and Joseph Lombardo) 24. September 28, 1974: Robert Harder (Harry Aleman and possibly James Inendino) 25. December 27, 1974: Richard Mazzone (unknown) 26. January 16, 1975: Carlo DeVivo (Harry Aleman and possibly Frank Schweihs) 27. February 12, 1975: Jack West (AZ) (Nick D’Andrea and Robert Hardin) 28. February 15, 1975: Ed Lazar (AZ) (Nick D’Andrea and Robert Hardin) 29. April 29, 1975: Anthony Battaglia (unknown) 30. May 12, 1975: Ronald Magliano (Harry Aleman) 31. May 12, 1975: Marty Buccieri (NV) (possibly by Tony Spilotro) 32. June 5, 1975: Harry Holzer (MI) (Edward McCabe) 33. June 5, 1975: Linda Holzer (MI) (Edward McCabe) 34. June 19, 1975: Salvatore Giancana (Dominic Blasi and possibly Angelo LaPietra) 35. July 14, 1975: Christopher Cardi (Harry Aleman and William Petrocelli) 36. August 28, 1975: Frank Goulakos (Harry Aleman) 37. August 30, 1975: Nick Galanos (Harry Aleman) 38. September 6, 1975: Walter Wellington (IA) (unknown) 39. October 6, 1975: Louis Bombacino (AZ) (possibly by Paul Schiro and Tony Amadio) 40. October 31, 1975: Anthony Reitinger (Harry Aleman and William Petrocelli) 41. November 10, 1975: Tamara Rand (CA) (Tony Spilotro) 42. December 3, 1975: Ned Bakes (Gerald Scarpelli) 43. January 20, 1976: Frank DeLegge, Jr. (unknown) 44. January 31, 1976: Louis DeBartolo (Harry Aleman) 45. February 6, 1976: Rita Payonk (unknown) 46. June 24, 1976: Paul Haggerty (Nick and Frank Calabrese, Frank Saladino, Ronnie Jarrett) 47. May 1, 1976: James Erwin (Harry Aleman and possibly Jimmy Indendino) 48. June 13, 1976: Don Bolles (AZ) (John Harvey Adamson, William Rocco D'Ambrosio and Frank Mossuto) 49. August 9, 1976: Giovanni Roselli (FL) (unknown) 50. October 5, 1976: Steven Ostrowsky (Eldimiro DeJesus) 51. January 13, 1977: Norman Lang (William Dauber) 52. February 12, 1977: James Villareal (unknown) 53. February 12, 1977: Sam Rivera (unknown) 54. March 2, 1977: Ben Byer (unknown) 55. March 4, 1977: Patrick Marusarz (possibly by Jimmy Cozzo and John DiFronzo) 56. March 15, 1977: Henry Cosentino (Frank Calabrese and Ronnie Jarrett) 57. March 29, 1977: Charles Nicoletti (possibly by Harry Aleman and Frank Schweihs) 58. April 4, 1977: John Lourgos (unknown) 59. June 13, 1977: Richard Ferraro (Gerald Scarpelli) 60. June 14, 1977: Thomas McCarthy (William Petrocelli) 61. June 15, 1977: Joseph Theo (Gerald Scarpelli) 62. July 3, 1977: John Schneider (unknown) 63. July 12, 1977: Earl Abercrombie, Jr. (unknown) 64. July 13, 1977: Morris Saletko (unknown) 65. July 22, 1977: Mark Thanasouras (possibly by Jimmy Cozzo and John DiFronzo) 66. July 22, 1977: Joseph LaRose (possibly by Paul Schiro and Joey Hansen) 67. July 22, 1977: John Vische (possibly by Paul Schiro and Joey Hansen) 68. July 22, 1977: Donald Marchbanks (possibly by Paul Schiro and Joey Hansen) 69. July 22, 1977: Malcolm Russell (possibly by Paul Schiro and Joey Hansen) 70. July 25, 1977: Samuel Annerino (Joseph Scalise, William Petrocelli and Anthony Borsellino) 71. August 25, 1977: James Palaggi (unknown) 72. October 18, 1977: Ray Ryan (IN) (possibly by Marshall Caifano) 73. December 13, 1977: Leo Filippi (unknown) 74. December 22, 1977: Richard Crofton (unknown) 75. January 20, 1978: Bernard Ryan (John DiFronzo and possibly Jimmy Cozzo) 76. February 2, 1978: Steven Garcia (Nick and Frank Calabrese) 77. February 4, 1978: Vincent Moretti (Nick and Frank Calabrese, Ronnie Jarrett, Frank Sladino, John Fecarotta) 78. February 4, 1978: Donald Renno (Nick and Frank Calabrese, Ronnie Jarrett, Frank Sladino, John Fecarotta) 79. February 20, 1978: John Mendell (Nick and Frank Calabrese, Ronnie Jarrett, Frank Sladino) 80. March 17, 1978: Dino Valente (Nick D’Andrea) 81. April 3, 1978: Frank Smith, Jr. (unknown) 82. April 6, 1978: Robert Hertogs (Jack Farmer) 83. April 14, 1978: John McDonald (possibly by Anthony Borsellino and Gerald Carusiello) 84. July 28, 1978: James Catuara (possibly by Frank Schweihs) 85. September 8, 1978: Melvin Young (Robert Siegel) 86. September 27, 1978: Robert Vaca (possibly by Jimmy Inendino) 87. March 11, 1979: George Christofalos (Anthony Borsellino, Gerald Scarpelli and Jerry Scalise) 88. April, 1979: Robert Hatridge (OH) (possibly by Jerry Scalise) 89. May 22, 1979: Anthony Borsellino (Gerald Scarpelli) 90. June 1, 1979: Timothy O'Brien (Gerald Scarpelli) 91. September 28, 1979: Gerald Carusiello (Gerald Scarpelli) 92. October 10, 1979: Sherwin Lisner (NV) (Frank Cullotta) 93. November 14, 1979: Michael Oliver (William Petrocelli, Robert Salerno, Gerry Scarpelli, Joseph Scalise, Michael Sarno and Salvatore Cataudella 94. December, 12, 1979: Henry Lopez (IN) (Edelmiro DeJesus)
Also what do you guys think about the Jay Vandermark alleged murder and the Marty Buccieri one, meaning were they positively Outfit-related? Because if they were, then the list might rise to almost 100 hits...
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926420 01/09/1809:38 AM01/09/1809:38 AM
That's a lot of dead guys. So most of these murders were ordered to keep people quiet? If so, it worked. As I read this list, I couldn't help but to picture the cadino trial scene when the bosses ordered hits. "Sick or no Fucking sick you know people are getting clipped" "Why take a chance?"
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: blueracing347]
#926423 01/09/1810:40 AM01/09/1810:40 AM
That's a lot of dead guys. So most of these murders were ordered to keep people quiet? If so, it worked. As I read this list, I couldn't help but to picture the cadino trial scene when the bosses ordered hits. "Sick or no Fucking sick you know people are getting clipped" "Why take a chance?"
Well obviously not all murders were related to potential informants, since some or most were related to inner conflicts and greed, again because they were almost financially destroyed during the previous decade, and so all of those hits gave Accardo, Aiuppa, Alex and the rest of the bosses a lot of power in the underworld but also received a lot of sin on their souls just to protect their 100 year old organization and above all, their remaining finances. In addition, this was probably second most bloody decade in U.S. Cosa Nostra history, after Prohibition, in which again the Chi Mob contributed a lot and almost went under the radar for most Mob historians. Also spot on the Casino scene lol
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926493 01/10/1805:33 AM01/10/1805:33 AM
Harry Aleman - 14 - died in prison 2010 Gerald Scarpelli - 9 - committed suicide in prison 1989 Frank Calabrese - 7 - died in prison 2012 Tony Spilotro - 6 - murdered in 1986 by N.Calabrese and others William Dauber - 6 - murdered in 1980 by Calabreses and others Nick Calabrese - 5 - free, in Witness Protection Frankie Schweihs - 5 - died in prison William Petrocelli - 5 - murdered in 1980 by Calabreses Paul Schiro - 5 - Imprisoned Ronnie Jarrett - 5 - Murdered in 2000 by unknown Joey Hansen - 4 - Died of natural causes Joseph Scalise - 4 - Imprisoned, not for murder Joey Lombardo - 3 - Imprisoned, for Seifert murder and other charges Jimmy Cozzo - 3 - Unknown Anthony Borsellino - 3 - Murdered 1979 Nick D'Andrea - 3 - Murdered by Calabreses in 1980
What the hell was going on in 1977?
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926507 01/10/1807:42 AM01/10/1807:42 AM
1977 was the most brutal year of the chop shop wars, including people who were killied for being caught dealing drugs, including the ones who supported the operation, and also the ones who were seen as potential informants. Joey A had one quite busy decade
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Regarding the Schiro/Hansen killings, according to the report, before the men got killed, federal authorities were preparing a case against the businessmen by investigating one of their companies of a “boiler-room business” called Steel Liquidation Services and they were also looking at possible charges including interstate transportation of stolen property, mail fraud and telephone fraud. So according to witnesses at the time, the victims were last seen alive about 10:30 p.m. while leaving their offices with two unknown individuals. The investigators called the murders “methodical” and “very professional.” There were 25 to 30 shots from a .22-caliber gun, fired in the elevator at close range, and the thing was that most of the crime syndicate figures from that period have been also killed with .22-caliber pistols. The men have been led into the elevator one by one and shot in the head, neck and chest. The point is that four men wouldn't just stand there and be shot but instead it had to be done by persons they trusted. Robbery was not a motive because the victims’ rings and wallets were not taken and they were heaped atop each other like rag dolls. All four victims were in fact shady businessmen who also dealt in burglar alarms and were connected to many Chicago burglary crews which many were connected to the Outfit, mainly under Tony Spilotro and Joey Lombardo a.k.a. the Grand Avenue Mob. More than six years later after the murders, Mob informant Frank Culotta gave some information regarding the hit and pointed out Paul Schiro as the possible hit man in the whole bloody situation but he was never charged about it. So Schiro was a member of Spilotro’s crew who mostly operated in the Arizona area and his main job was professional burglary and sources say that the main victim who had connection to Schiro or Spilotro was in fact Joseph LaRose. According to another informant, Schiro and Joey Hansen were Spilotro’s main hit men at the time.
In addition to the first murder on the list, meaning Carmine Trotta, well in 1970 Lenny Patrick allegedly tried to swindle now the ageing and sick Fiore “Fifi” Buccieri and the thing is that Trotta was one of Buccieri’s underlings who was discovered for maintaining a secret business relationship with Patrick and his North Side crew. In March, when the cops found Trotta’s body in Lyons, in his pocket they also found a list of coded telephone numbers and one of the numbers led right to the telephone installed in the home of Patrick in Jarlath Avenue. Lenny was questioned about the murder but the cops got nothing out of him. So this means that Buccieri and Patrick had constant conflicts and on top of that Trotta was obviously executed by someone from the Buccieri crew
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926777 01/13/1807:02 AM01/13/1807:02 AM
Toodoped you got any more info on Fifi Buccieri and the Turk they where still doing hits when they where Capos in the 1960s. As they where in the hit team in miami in 1962 Boasting about other hits with jackie Cerone in the FBI Files
Yes Buccieri was a captain during the 60s but Torello wasnt, not until the early 70s when he became the boss of the whole Cicero area which was previously divided between Aiuppa and Buccieri. In fact Torello was brought into the syndicate by members from the old Cicero crew including Joe Corngold and later transfered to Buccieri
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926853 01/14/1809:50 AM01/14/1809:50 AM
Made Member
Joined: Sep 2013
Posts: 155 Downtown NYC
You can go to this website with information regarding many deaths / murders. ... Government Attic FBI Rids Dead List.... All information (809 pages) are released under FOIA and Record Information and Dissemination Section.
wise old owl sat on a oak , the more he heard the less he spoke , the less he spoke the more he heard , wasn't that a wise ole bird.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#926915 01/15/1806:04 AM01/15/1806:04 AM
Roger that Toodoped . What i meant was when they was Capos they was doing Hits or close by Any more info on the pair please share Bro
There was nothing unusual in the Outfit for capos or any kind of heavyweights being directly involved in the murders, like for example the Spilotro murders which was executed by John DiFronzo, Sam Carlisi, Louie Eboli, James Marcello, Joseph Ferriola, Ernest Infelice and some other guys
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
That true . But we never saw Tony Accardo And Paul Ricca doing hits in there later Life only on Animals and Fish Or maybe they did who knows
The last record which shows Ricca being allegedly and directly involved in murder is from 1931, when he and Vito Genovese allegedly killed Saverio Pollaccia in Chicago, who in turn was the late Masserias adviser. So at the time Ricca was Capones main representative for the rest of the families which means that he had high stature, but the problem was that during that same period the Capone mob was still considered a crew for the NY clan until 1932 or after the murders of Masseria, Maranzano and Pollaccia, thats when Chicago received its independence with Capone and Nitto in prison and Ricca free at the top.
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#927027 01/17/1808:07 AM01/17/1808:07 AM
Roger that Toodoped . Paul Ricca love to kill with a knife And Tony Accardo love to kill with a Base ball bat getting his name joe Batters JB We know he killed at least two people with a bat . Maybe he help Al Capone kill the other 3 guys after dinner too
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#1018334 08/20/2112:43 AM08/20/2112:43 AM
*Violence in the Windy City mafia dipped sharply in the 1990s, the amount of gangland slayings were down 21 hits from the previous decade
May 14, 1990 – Outfit associate, trucking company owner and drug peddler Jimmy Pellegrino is found shot in the back of the head, his feet and hands duck taped together, wrapped in a tarp and floating down the Des Plaines River after an alleged falling out with a dirty, mob-linked cop over stolen money
July 2, 1990 – Outfit associate and bookmaker Victor Lazarus is found shot in the back of the head in a Northside parking lot. Lazarus, 86, took action in both Las Vegas and his hometown of Chicago
November 6, 1991 – Outfit associate Edward Pedote, a stolen jewelry fence and convicted burglar and drug dealer from Naperville, Illinois is bludgeoned with a table leg and shot in the face in a Chicago furniture store
November 21, 1991 – Outfit business associate and real estate liquidator Wally Lieberman from ritzy Northshore Chicago suburb Northbrook is shot to death in Cicero. Lieberman was connected to imprisoned Outfit lieutenant Robert (Bobby the Gabeet) Bellavia. His wife was Bellavia’s secretary. Bellavia was jailed months earlier on a racketeering and murder indictment centered around the Cicero crew’s Lake County wing. Bellavia was released from prison last year after serving 25 years on racketeering and murder-conspiracy charges
November 5, 1992 – Outfit associate and drug dealer Sam (Needles) Taglia is shot twice in the back of the head, his throat slit and his body stuffed in the trunk of his car and left in a Melrose Park apartment complex parking lot. Chicago mobster Albert (Albie the Falcon) Vena, at that point in time a rising enforcer in the Northside crew, was put on trial but acquitted for the Taglia hit. Vena was seen with Taglia leaving Taglia’s suburban residence in the hours before his killing. Today, Vena is the crime family’s reputed capo of the Grand Avenue crew and its’ alleged day-to-day street boss.
November 5, 1994 – Outfit bookie and native-Italian Giuseppe Vicari is beaten and shot to death inside his Westside Chicago restaurant, La Casa De Caffe. Vicari had been in the United States for five years and was under indictment in a gambling case at the time of his murder
January 6, 1997 – Jewish Chicago mob associate and then-independent bookie and loan shark Herbert (Fat Herbie) Blitzstein is killed inside his Las Vegas home in an ill-conceived takeover of Blitzstein’s rackets hatched in tandem by representatives from the Los Angeles and Buffalo mob crime families operating in Nevada. Blitzstein was a lieutenant under the Outfit’s slain Las Vegas crew boss Tony (The Ant) Spilotro in the 1970s and 1980s.
July 2, 1997 – Windy City loan shark and Southside crew member James (Jimmy Poker) DiForti is charged with the 1988 murder of Outfit associate and Chicago businessman William (Bill the Pallet Man) Benham.  DiForti shot Benham in Benham’s suburban office over a six-figure debt he owed to the mob.
May 15, 1998 – Mike Cutler, set to be a witness against the son of the Outfit’s Southside crew capo Frank (Tootsie) Caruso in a racially-motivated attempted murder case involving the beating of a 13-year old African-American boy in the coming weeks, is shot to death on the Westside after a night of partying with friends
December 23, 1999 – Chicago mafia lieutenant, hit man and Southside crew member Ronnie Jarrett is gunned down en route to a funeral. He doesn’t die until January 25, 2000. Jarrett was once a part-time member of the notorious Wild Bunch assassin crew in the 1970s and 1980s and had been feuding with Outfit street boss John (Johnny Apes) Monteleone.
Anthony (the hatchet) Chiaramonti Chicago outfit related (Dispute other chicago gambling territory and because of his rogue behaviour irritated members
Anthony (little tony) Zizzo Chicago underboss (He refused to kick up money to mike sarno the boss around that time he also tried to move in on James Marcello the boss who was in prison at that time on the family secrets trial. His body was never been found. Some believe that a civilian killed in 2007 in a traditional mafia hit was meant for mafia capo now underboss sammy cards who zizzo loyalists were trying to kill in a revenge hit)
Last edited by furio_from_naples; 08/20/2105:55 AM.
Anthony Catalano was last seen on video surveillance cameras leaving his condo building at 8747 w. Bryn Mawr. He drove off in his Mercedes Benz and vanished. His family filed a missing person report with the Chicago Police Department
December 23, 2009
Michael DeFilippis was murdered. He was found in his condo at Grand and Harlem. His head was caved in and he was stabbed several times. There was no forced entry, signs of a theft, burglary, or home invasion.
Michael DeFilippis was a friend of Anthony Catalano and Catalano’s partner in the drug business.
DeFilippis was also allegedly associated with the Outfit.
November 26, 2010
Reputed Outfit associate Norberto (The Bull) Velez was gunned down in his West Addison Street apartment building, a stone’s throw away from the storied ball park, on November 26, 2010 in a Thanksgiving Day slaying that remains unsolved. The 31-year old Velez worked as a bouncer at the iconic Cubby Bear bar and grill located just outside the confines of Wrigley Field and is alleged to have quarreled with Chicago mobsters from the city’s Westside Grand Avenue crew regarding a debt on a loan he had taken out a year earlier
Re: Chicago Outfit-Related Murders 1970's
[Re: Toodoped]
#1020690 09/27/2105:25 AM09/27/2105:25 AM