I feel like Im on a frickin tilt-a-whirl with this stuff. My take on the various characters is this:
Michael Franzese - Legit. How can you argue against it? He's the son of Sonny Franzese and well documented as a top earner for the Colombos. I do think he stretches stories a little bit and I also have a feeling he never clipped anyone. He gets too defensive about guys talking about killing people and he for sure comes off as a white collar criminal. But who knows. However, Mikey is legit as fk. No denying.
Sammy the Bull - Obviously legit. Sammy is well documented and doesn't even need me to argue his case. I believe Sammy's stories almost 100%, but I also think he twists a few things intentionally and unintentionally. Example: I'm not convinced that Gotti was "setting" him and Loc up to take the fall so he can walk. Maybe? Who knows. It very well could be, but it's his word against John's, and John is dead. However, when Sammy tells a story, I believe him.
Coffee with Cullotta (Defunct-Deceased) - Legit. I believe most of his stories but I also think he talks about some subjects that he probably didn't have first hand knowledge of and acts like he did. Not gonna get into it, but hierarchy and leadership structure within the outfit as an example. But Frank was for sure who he said he was.
John Alite - I dunno. I mean, I think he's legit to a certain extent. He definitely knew the Gottis very well, friends with Junior, has been to the Ravenite and is seen in multiple photos around Gambino guys. But I really think he hypes his status up too much and feels the need to always taslk about how he killed guys and other guys really didn't. Seems desperate. Also his comment about Franzese and Gravano not knowing anything about the Mafia? LMFAO. Yeah, ok Mr. Albanian associate. I think he's half full of shit.
Jimmy Calandra- Legit. Well documented. He doesn't front like he was some big wig with the Bonnanos. He's telling the truth. Member of the Bath Ave crew, grew up around wiseguys, yada yada yada, Jimmy isn't lying IMO. He's probably the most entertaining of them all because he gives you a perspective of young street life for a kid from Brooklyn in the 90's and his stories are very believable. I also believe him when he gets emotional about the innocent woman murder committed by Tommy Reynolds. I like Calandra, or should I say "My good friend, Jimmy Calamandra." LOL
Fat Bald Sicilian - Who is this guy? I really have nothing against him, and he seems like a cool dude. He's not claiming to be a wiseguy and it seems that he's just interested in LCN and decided to make a little cash on the subject. But who the hell is he? His Grandpa was friends with a Genovese capo apparently and he grew up in Brooklyn? So what. I'm from Chicago, and if I had a dollar for everytime I heard someone say their Grandpa knew Al Capone or Tony Accardo, Id be a fuckin millionaire. I dunno. The "Omerta" tattoo on the arm is cheesy as fk and screams wiseguy wannabe, but I don't know the guy and I actually find him likeable. I also enjoyed him calling out that Raimondi dude.
Larry Mazza - Not sure. I believe him regarding his Scarpa ties. Im sure it's been documented and can be verified. But he seems like someone just jumping on the mob social media craze and wants to make a buck. I can't blame him. I do believe some of his stories. Colombo associate? I'd bet money on it. Made guy? ehhhh, not so sure bout that.
DJVlad - He just loves stirring the pot. I find him entertaining and I watch alot of his interviews. Im impressed with the people he gets to sit with him. He's alright. But the "OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" after every question is annoying as shit.
Patrick Bet David - See above. Very similar to Vald but has even more high profile guests and hard to book interviews. I enjoy him, but he loves to poke the bear and get the drama going amongst these guys.
So that's about the extent of my knowledge of "mob" podcasters. If anyone would like to correct me or has a different view on some of these characters, I'd love to hear it. I digress.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023208 11/08/2107:29 PM11/08/2107:29 PM
First let me say that I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT believe that Gotti was going to set Gravano up to take the fall. Here was a guy who absolutely refused to WILLINGLY assist the government in any way, and wouldn't even allow his men to plead guilty in exchange for shorter sentences. Gotti could've cooperated so he could do easier time, but he was a rebel to the end. Gravano keeps spouting this nonsense to make himself feel better about ratting and to justify himself to his audience, it's all bullshit. What is true is that if not for Gotti they wouldn't have been in a courtroom to begin with. And I'm not even a Gotti fan, but Gotti ratting? No fucking way.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023210 11/08/2108:25 PM11/08/2108:25 PM
Gotti's fate was sealed from the get-go. The Feds had an iron clad case with or without Gravano's testimony, and pulled out every weapon they had,to avenge the severe bruising that the egos of Law Enforcement suffered at Gotti's hands in previous encounters.. Sammy was street smart enough to know this,and to also know that he would go down with Gotti in this case. His motivation was survival, pure and simple. Better to cut a deal and basically walk,than to catch a Life sentence. His testimony was a nail in Gotti's coffin.but only one of several. All the B.S about Gotti wanting to set Sammy up to take the fall is just that..B.S. Gravano is an opportunistic thug . The guy gets 5 yrs and keeps a lot of his money,yet uses that break to get involved in crime again. This time he goes from a piece of sh*t legbreaker to a piece of sh*t drug dealer,all because he flipped on a piece of sh*t gangster.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: azguy]
#1023213 11/08/2108:50 PM11/08/2108:50 PM
If you mean close to the maifa or in it, only Franzese and Gravano qualify. Alite was only around a short while, ad was more a friend of Juniors who was brung around by him till he was chased off. He did a lot on his own time away from the mafia. Calandra is full of it.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023216 11/08/2109:10 PM11/08/2109:10 PM
There are some out there about the Mafia rather than people who were in the Mafia, that are informative like Darkness Underneath Podcast, NYC Crime Spot and OC Shortz
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023218 11/08/2109:26 PM11/08/2109:26 PM
There are some out there about the Mafia rather than people who were in the Mafia, that are informative like Darkness Underneath Podcast, NYC Crime Spot and OC Shortz
The asshole doing that one is too preachy, and is on a morality crusade. Too much BS from him. He is also obsessed with DeMeo, I mean out of about a dozed videos he has up, 80% are about DeMeo or his men.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: jace]
#1023223 11/08/2111:35 PM11/08/2111:35 PM
There are some out there about the Mafia rather than people who were in the Mafia, that are informative like Darkness Underneath Podcast, NYC Crime Spot and OC Shortz
The asshole doing that one is too preachy, and is on a morality crusade. Too much BS from him. He is also obsessed with DeMeo, I mean out of about a dozed videos he has up, 80% are about DeMeo or his men.
Thanks for your honest opinion and I'll pass it on to Quentin, he is the best documentarian on the Gemini Crew out there and there should have been a movie about these guys a long time ago.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023228 11/09/2103:51 AM11/09/2103:51 AM
Joined: Dec 2013
Posts: 2,815 Larry's Bar
Originally Posted by British
OC Shortz is good
Agree. He gives as much information as he can. I like him cause when there are informants who are made and in leadership positions, they contradict what another says, but OC Shortz looks at the number of made informants who furnish the information and when one group says this but another group says that, he adds both stories. Not just from informants but also from law enforcement as well.
"I have this Nightmare. I'm on 5th avenue watching the St. Patrick's Day parade and I have a coronary and nine thousand cops march happily over my body." Chief Sidney Green
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023242 11/09/2104:54 PM11/09/2104:54 PM
OC Shortz is good. It seems like he puts research into his work. I think Pennisi is the worst he's a bore and comes off as a sensitive freak. He supposedly had a falling out with his co-host over something silly.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: GerryLang]
#1023247 11/09/2110:33 PM11/09/2110:33 PM
OC Shortz is good. It seems like he puts research into his work. I think Pennisi is the worst he's a bore and comes off as a sensitive freak. He supposedly had a falling out with his co-host over something silly.
Something to do with potato chips or something. Tom bought lays and John wanted ruffles or vica versa. I can see how that would cause an issue.
Last edited by Lenox; 11/09/2110:35 PM.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023252 11/10/2104:24 AM11/10/2104:24 AM
I question if the Luccheses were even going to kill Pennisi or not. The mob extremely rarely kills anymore. Either he completely made it up to justify ratting or he was just paranoid.
Last edited by DillyDolly; 11/10/2104:24 AM.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023253 11/10/2104:47 AM11/10/2104:47 AM
I question if the Luccheses were even going to kill Pennisi or not. The mob extremely rarely kills anymore. Either he completely made it up to justify ratting or he was just paranoid.
The mafia doesn't kill anymore. Pennisi's a paranoid looneytoon.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023260 11/10/2112:09 PM11/10/2112:09 PM
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023264 11/10/2102:16 PM11/10/2102:16 PM
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023265 11/10/2102:48 PM11/10/2102:48 PM
Penissi is a woman beating piece of shit like a lot of them but you guys can’t tell me that if Mike Desantis or George Conte or Patty Dellarusso said they were gonna kill you or might be plotting to you wouldn’t take it serious....in that life only the paranoid last...I don’t give a shit if it’s 2021 if your not paranoid today then tomorrow your dead....and the mob and especially associates are involved in violence and shooting as a regular course of business...
Penissi is a woman beating piece of shit like a lot of them but you guys can’t tell me that if Mike Desantis or George Conte or Patty Dellarusso said they were gonna kill you or might be plotting to you wouldn’t take it serious....in that life only the paranoid last...I don’t give a shit if it’s 2021 if your not paranoid today then tomorrow your dead....and the mob and especially associates are involved in violence and shooting as a regular course of business...
Correct. I find it absolutely hilarious that there's people out there who believe the mafia isn't dangerous anymore. If they knew what Pennisi was about to do, he would have been killed. There is no doubt in my mind.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023273 11/10/2105:05 PM11/10/2105:05 PM
The mob isn't dangerous anymore, they don't kill anymore. If John Alite can stand on Mulberry Street in the heart of Little Italy and laugh in the Mafia's face, then John Pennisi is safe too. And stop taking up for these rats, too many preachy pro-government rat-lovers on these forums.
Last edited by DillyDolly; 11/10/2105:20 PM.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: GerryLang]
#1023274 11/10/2105:06 PM11/10/2105:06 PM
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
Originally Posted by GerryLang
Originally Posted by Lenox
Originally Posted by jace
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
How did Perna’s son get jammed up over his wife being friends with Pennisi’s ex ?
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: Lenox]
#1023277 11/10/2105:24 PM11/10/2105:24 PM
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
Originally Posted by GerryLang
Originally Posted by Lenox
Originally Posted by jace
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
How did Perna’s son get jammed up over his wife being friends with Pennisi’s ex ?
Pennisi has lied about pretty much everything. I've said it before on this forum and I'll say it again: Every single rat tells more lies than truths. They're all woman beaters, pedophiles and junkies
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: Lenox]
#1023278 11/10/2105:26 PM11/10/2105:26 PM
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
Originally Posted by GerryLang
Originally Posted by Lenox
Originally Posted by jace
Pennisi just wanted to rat, he was possibly scared of eventually going to prison on something, or he was crazy.
Something tells me John Pennisi cooperating had a lot to do with all the turmoil surrounding that married girl he was dating. I think they broke up and then his capo’s brother started dating her. Shit went down hill from there.
Yes, Pennisi was lovesick over a girl. He thought Boobsie Castelle or his brother was screwing his ex girlfriend. He got one of the Perna sons jammed up because Perna's wife was friends with his ex. Don't forget Pennisi killed a guy over a girl, and knocked the girlfriend's teeth out.
How did Perna’s son get jammed up over his wife being friends with Pennisi’s ex ?
He ratted on the son being involved in the beating of one of the real housewives of Jersey's ex husband. In return Perna got his wedding for free at their restaurant in Jersey. He thinks Perna's wife played a part in causing problems between him and his ex. The ex and Perna's wife were good friends. He seems to have a hot nut for Perna and Castelle, and it had nothing to do with mafia business.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023280 11/10/2105:44 PM11/10/2105:44 PM
Penissi is a woman beating piece of shit like a lot of them but you guys can’t tell me that if Mike Desantis or George Conte or Patty Dellarusso said they were gonna kill you or might be plotting to you wouldn’t take it serious....in that life only the paranoid last...I don’t give a shit if it’s 2021 if your not paranoid today then tomorrow your dead....and the mob and especially associates are involved in violence and shooting as a regular course of business...
If they told him they were going to kill him their really stupid and probably have been indicted by now. Pennisi is obviously crazy and paranoid. This is the guy who said his house was shaking for hours to the point glasses and plates were rattling, and he took it as a sign his deceased grandparents wanted him to cooperate. He also claims numerous black guys were laying on him in downtown Manhattan to kill him. He even claims they were members of the Bloods street gang. How he figures that I don't know, I doubt they'd be repping their colors on a hit. In reality they were probably regular black guys he happened to pass on the streets, but in his crazy and paranoid mind they were out to kill him. The nutjob even said he would walk by his window carrying his daughter to dissuade his killers.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: matteodenaro]
#1023288 11/10/2107:16 PM11/10/2107:16 PM
To be honest, I dont know why the hell joe perna told pennisi about what his brother did to the new husband of the housewife. That was stupid.. why would he tell anyone that !!! John Perna only got 2 1/2 years for that assault which is rather strange. Thats a very light sentence. Anyone know who was with John Perna during the assault ?
Last edited by Lenox; 11/10/2107:17 PM.
Re: The wacky world of mafia podcasts and youtube
[Re: Lenox]
#1023289 11/10/2107:18 PM11/10/2107:18 PM