This is the best modern book on Hoffa ...It’s written by Chuckie Obriens stepson with Chuckie O’Brien before he died Chuckie O’Brien in his book “in Hoffas shadows” said his mom Sylvia Pagano was never romantically involved with Hoffa, She was good friends with Josephine Hoffa and was banging Tony Jack.Billy Jack banged Hoffas wife once in a hotel, so Tony Jack could rob Hoffas safe at his house, which he’s on the wiretaps which are included in the book “In Hoffas Shadow”
Really goes into the relationship between Hoffa and the mobsters he was closest too including Tony Pro,Tony Jack,The Civellas and Tony Ducks and Johnny Dio
Chuckie says he was never told outright who killed Hoffa but that one day after Hoffa was murdered , it was the only time In his life he saw Tony Jack nervous and that he hadn’t expected this kind of heat and that this could possibly “be the death of him” him meaning Tony Jack Also a couple weeks after the murder he was called to a meeting in Miami with Tony Pro and Tony Jack and Tony Pro told him that Hoffa had went crazy and that he basically left them with no choice and that Tony Jack said sometimes “things happen to people you love that have a life of theyre own and that things sometimes go out of control” Also says the FBI in Detroit believes that Tony Palazzolo was the Shooter of Hoffa and that Billy Jack and Raf Quassarano are the other 2 in the car when Hoffa was shot by Tony Pal
Goldsmith clearly seeks to clear, O'Brien, shis stepson, from any DIRECT involvement in the Hoffa murder. While I tend to agree with him, I think it's possible O'brien may gave had some peripheral involvement.
I also thought this was an excellent book, very informative. Of course Goldsmith, as O'Brien's stepson, is hardly a disinterested observer, but it's possible that Chuckie had some inadvertent involvement, or knew more than he told Goldsmith.
Ntra la porta tua lu sangu � sparsu, E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu... E s'iddu muoru e vaju mparadisu Si nun ce truovo a ttia, mancu ce trasu.