February 14, 2023 — Former Colombo crime family capo Michael Franzese will meet with the FBI in Detroit this week to provide information he has on the disappearance and murder of Teamsters union boss Jimmy Hoffa. The 71-year old Franzese, today a wildly-popular public speaker, content producer and man of God, is appearing at the Andiamo Ristorante Showcase in Warren, Michigan on Saturday for an event where he will give a talk on his former life and take questions from the audience.
When Hoffa vanished in the 1970s, Franzese was on the come-up in the Colombos, one of New York’s Five Families, and his father, Big Apple mob legend, John (Sonny) Franzese, was the underboss of the organization. Franzese, nicknamed the Yuppie Don by the New York media in the 1980s, claims Hoffa is “somewhere wet” and he has a tape recording of a currently-incarcerated friend who can possibly lead the feds to the body.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051139 02/14/2301:23 PM02/14/2301:23 PM
He only became like he did after the guys he feared passed away. All the public speaking bullshit and so forrth, he's even admitted it.
If he was 20 years younger and they were still here he would be hiding somewhere.
I do enjoy his stories about his time in the mob but other than that he is in fact a RAT.
Now I have a question... Is there someone crazy enough out there to take him out? Do you think anyone wants to?
There has to be a few mob guys who's fucking blood boils sitting back and watching him act the way he does. Say what you want about the mob not being what it used to be, but reality is there are guys that still take pride in Omerta, and being a true old school mobster. They take pride in it and they take it very very seriously to the point that they will kill someone who makes it a joke and throws it back in their faces. Especially when they are making $$$ at it and using it to benefit them.
Last edited by RushStreet; 02/14/2301:34 PM.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051142 02/14/2301:48 PM02/14/2301:48 PM
what at all would franzese even know? the colombo family has NEVER come up when investigating the hoffa hit. NEVER NOT ONCE. was franzese even made in 1975? would his father have told him if sonny ever even knew? franzese is now like KOSMO KRAMER from seinfeld after he sold all his good stories to mr. peterman. trying to come up with something anything good that someone will listen to. seems to me whoever did the hit is dead and the mafia as a whole has been good at not spreading the truth over the last almost 50 years. all investigations come back to...frank sheeran,tony giacolone,tony provenzano. so bufalino/philadelphia,detroit and the genovese. these are the 3 groups that constantly come up. why even bother with this guy franzese i'm done!
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051146 02/14/2302:08 PM02/14/2302:08 PM
He only became like he did after the guys he feared passed away. All the public speaking bullshit and so forrth, he's even admitted it.
If he was 20 years younger and they were still here he would be hiding somewhere.
I do enjoy his stories about his time in the mob but other than that he is in fact a RAT.
Now I have a question... Is there someone crazy enough out there to take him out? Do you think anyone wants to?
There has to be a few mob guys who's fucking blood boils sitting back and watching him act the way he does. Say what you want about the mob not being what it used to be, but reality is there are guys that still take pride in Omerta, and being a true old school mobster. They take pride in it and they take it very very seriously to the point that they will kill someone who makes it a joke and throws it back in their faces. Especially when they are making $$$ at it and using it to benefit them.
You live in a fantasy world. Even Henry Hill lived in the open for decades. Nothing is ever going to happen to any of these media shit heels. The feds would love it, they'd be able to take a whole family down if some dumbfuck took one of these guys out.
And if anyone did make a move, guess where they'd end up real quick, even if it was sanctioned? Welcome to reality. His hole would already be dug.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: VitoCahill]
#1051149 02/14/2302:32 PM02/14/2302:32 PM
I'd have to agree - it's no loss for the government who can at least say they're taking another pass at this cold case, and for Franzese - this just generates headlines for him and helps with his speaking tour - even this article gives the time and date of his next appearance. I'm sure the crowd will be full of sycophants lapping it all up.
I can't imagine what Franzese could possibly know about this event that would only be coming out now. I would certainly eat my words if they end up finding Jimmy's body, but I won't be holding my breath.
It's like listening to Kuklinski - he just can't resist inserting himself into more and more outlandish scenes. Pretty soon he'll be appearing in Dealey Plaza to reveal where the fatal JFK headshot came from and in another year or two he'll be at Ford's Theatre claiming that John Wilkes Booth was a capo in the Lucchese family.
Originally Posted by VitoCahill
what at all would franzese even know? the colombo family has NEVER come up when investigating the hoffa hit. NEVER NOT ONCE. was franzese even made in 1975? would his father have told him if sonny ever even knew? franzese is now like KOSMO KRAMER from seinfeld after he sold all his good stories to mr. peterman. trying to come up with something anything good that someone will listen to. seems to me whoever did the hit is dead and the mafia as a whole has been good at not spreading the truth over the last almost 50 years. all investigations come back to...frank sheeran,tony giacolone,tony provenzano. so bufalino/philadelphia,detroit and the genovese. these are the 3 groups that constantly come up. why even bother with this guy franzese i'm done!
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051177 02/14/2307:21 PM02/14/2307:21 PM
There's nothing to find. I don't know how much of Frank Sheeran's story is real or bullshit, but I would imagine Hoffa was killed and disposed of much like he was in "The Irishman". Thinking they put Hoffa's body in a drum and buried it somewhere when they could have destroyed it in some mob owned crematorium is ridiculous. If anyone knows what actually happened to Hoffa it died with them. His body or traces of his body aren't ever going to be found. Anyone making a move against someone like Franzese is committing career suicide, literally. Like AC said, Henry was living in the open and he was an actual rat who testified in court and put people in prison. The mob was a lot more powerful back then and I'm sure if they wanted to they could have tracked Henry down in the 80's and killed him.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: VitoCahill]
#1051186 02/14/2308:14 PM02/14/2308:14 PM
what at all would franzese even know? the colombo family has NEVER come up when investigating the hoffa hit. NEVER NOT ONCE. was franzese even made in 1975? would his father have told him if sonny ever even knew? franzese is now like KOSMO KRAMER from seinfeld after he sold all his good stories to mr. peterman. trying to come up with something anything good that someone will listen to. seems to me whoever did the hit is dead and the mafia as a whole has been good at not spreading the truth over the last almost 50 years. all investigations come back to...frank sheeran,tony giacolone,tony provenzano. so bufalino/philadelphia,detroit and the genovese. these are the 3 groups that constantly come up. why even bother with this guy franzese i'm done!
LOL. Completely!!! What a jerk off! [But you wanna know who the real jerk-offs are? All these idiots and numbskulls who continually pony up their hard earned money to listen to this BS]. Who's REALLY at fault here?
Remember fellas, "There's a sucker born every day...And two to take em"
Lol...I thought his comments that Chin called him in to ask him to switch families was laughable, but he's pushing the the limit now to see just how many suckers he can still milk !!!
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051211 02/15/2312:25 AM02/15/2312:25 AM
This does not make him a rat. It does make the FBI sound like total jerks. What in the world can he have on have on Hoffa's killing? He is just trying to get himself notified, as usual. If he knew about Hoffa he would have given it to the FBI years ago, or written about it in his book. In fact, if he is really meeting with the FBI over this, they can arrest him for withholding the information all this time.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051212 02/15/2312:52 AM02/15/2312:52 AM
Him cooperating with the feds over 20 years ago made him a rat and cooperating with the feds in Detroit still makes him a rat. What the hell are you talking about Jace
Last edited by Mafia101; 02/15/2312:52 AM.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051214 02/15/2304:32 AM02/15/2304:32 AM
He did rat, but this one thing does not make him or anyone a rat. Hoffa is dead for what, 60 years? Plus Franzese has nothing to offer, I explained it, instead of worrying about who is and isn't a rat, read what I said earlier. Joey Merlino, Barney Bellamo, or a guy in prison like Tommy Pitera should tell the FBI they can help them find Hoffa. Just say the body is in the Bahamas and have them take you there to look. After a few weeks, say you were mistaken, or that the body must have been moved. You then come home from a free all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas.
I wonder where Franzese will pick for the vacation? If he wastes his time in Detroit he's an idiot.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051393 02/17/2301:43 AM02/17/2301:43 AM
What he used to try and hang his hat on was he never testified against any members of O.C. which is true.
He ratted on businessmen and a politician etc.
He did do a dime piece and if he wanted to outright RAT, he could have flipped and gave up the whole Colombo admin, his dad and other families as well, he would have done ZERO Jail time.
The part that makes no sense to me is that Persico, never went after him, Persico back then would have you killed in 2 seconds flat, I was found that odd.
The only theory I can come up with is maybe Franzesse, sent Persico an "OFF THE BOOKS" package, with a message I'll never return, Ill never hurt you, take this and please let me be.
If Franzesse made 1'2 of what they said he made, that would have been the smart move, to try and buy a pass for $500K
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051398 02/17/2307:44 AM02/17/2307:44 AM
Did Franzese ever talked about the Joseph Colombo hit ? He's a smart guy but with an agenda.
Yes, in his book he said it was the FBI, but in a later book or interview he seemed to back off on that. I don't watch his videos, so if he spoke of it in them I did not see it. Look at his first book if you can.
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: jace]
#1051521 02/18/2310:54 PM02/18/2310:54 PM
Did Franzese ever talked about the Joseph Colombo hit ? He's a smart guy but with an agenda.
Yes, in his book he said it was the FBI, but in a later book or interview he seemed to back off on that. I don't watch his videos, so if he spoke of it in them I did not see it. Look at his first book if you can.
I thought I remembered that too. He is all over the place as usual. Here he is talking about Joey being responsible..
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1051522 02/18/2311:09 PM02/18/2311:09 PM
Michael doesn't know a fucking thing. This shit just makes me angry. Mikey Franzese is somebody who used to say that Sammy Gravano wasn't half the man John Gotti was on his worst day. And now him and Sammy are friends! Who the fuck is this guy? You know me H. I get pissed off when people go against their own "principles"
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: RushStreet]
#1052103 02/25/2301:32 PM02/25/2301:32 PM
They should find Hoffa any day now with Michael helping. I looked to see if there was anything new on this, all that comes top is him appearing on multiple podcasts discussing it. He was successful in his goal, getting attention. I wish a legal gambling site offered odds on whether or not he will help them find Hoffa.
Does anyone know if the FBI is even taking this half seriously?
Re: Mike Franzese Helping FBI Search For Jimmy Hoffa
[Re: Hollander]
#1052159 02/26/2312:01 AM02/26/2312:01 AM
One-on-one with a former Mafia boss Michael Franzese is the former Capo of the infamous Colombo crime family in New York. In part one, he tells Gary how he became a ‘made man’, what life was like in the mob and his relationship with the Australian Mafia.
I honestly get kinda tired of hearing about and hearing from the same people. The mob needs fresh blood or just disappear altogether. It's all a podcast now, same old rats everyday. It's become a grotesque joke, this Cosa Nostra.