So here goes.... my favorite has got to be the no-show job. The idea of those wiseguys sitting around the house or out committing more crimes while collecting paychecks without even showing up for work makes me laugh my fucking ass off. Then there's the ones who do show up, but perform no work, and his sucker coworkers can't say shit because they know who he is lol....
Re: What's your favorite mob racket?
[Re: Liggio]
#1070789 10/02/2311:56 AM10/02/2311:56 AM
So here goes.... my favorite has got to be the no-show job. The idea of those wiseguys sitting around the house or out committing more crimes while collecting paychecks without even showing up for work makes me laugh my fucking ass off. Then there's the ones who do show up, but perform no work, and his sucker coworkers can't say shit because they know who he is lol....
Joey Lombardo did that for years for the Outfit.
Easy deal. Lend a guy some start up money in the agreement you get a paycheck every week. That gives you a place to hang out at and if the feds come calling you can say you are employed by a legit business for a living. A great situation would be a restaurant. Go there whenever you want, drink booze and eat good food.
Several no-show jobs with over 5000 euro salary lol.....or prostitution...and Im not talking about beating or kidnapping innocent girls and fuel them with drugs, but instead Im talking about "legitimate" hoes or girls who want to work for the love of it and my job will be to finance their "look", meaning at first to pay for their apartments and so they can work out everyday and to eat healthy food, obviously so I can find them high class clientele who will pay tons of cash, like for example in Dubai (they love blondies lol). Ill have my 30 or 40% and the rest goes for the hoe who in turn can spend her money free or even start her own family or in plane words, to save her life... obviously if she wants to lol
For me this is one of the funniest SNL clips but it completely supports my theory, thanks to "Mr. Velvet Jones" lol Lol .....
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Yes, there are many very dirty rackets. But I could give two fucks about no-show jobs, labor racketeering, loansharking, and illegal gambling. Or even bank robberies. I know it's not the politically correct or popular thing to say, but I'm being honest. There are others that are downright revolting and repulsive. I guess we all have our moral limits if you will.
Yes, there are many very dirty rackets. But I could give two fucks about no-show jobs, labor racketeering, loansharking, and illegal gambling. Or even bank robberies. I know it's not the politically correct or popular thing to say, but I'm being honest. There are others that are downright revolting and repulsive. I guess we all have our moral limits if you will.
Whats the most repulsive racket today?
Re: What's your favorite mob racket?
[Re: Liggio]
#1070861 10/03/2304:14 AM10/03/2304:14 AM
Rush, anything to do with child abuse or harming children would be number one. Killing rhinos for their horns, I believe one species already went extinct because of it. The dumping of toxic waste into the ocean. Human trafficking unless it's humans that want to be trafficked, in other words consent. Let me back up on bank robberies just because idiots oftentimes end up shooting innocent people. Fentanyl dealing, like how can you sell something that people will almost certainly die from and not even enjoy? There are lots of repulsive rackets. As much as I love and want money, I wouldn't do it.
Re: What's your favorite mob racket?
[Re: Toodoped]
#1070877 10/03/2306:47 AM10/03/2306:47 AM
High end Prostitution. Gorgeous porn star looking girls that can bring in thousands a night cash. Customer base is your typical white collar business executive who's visiting or say a group of guys visiting Vegas for a bachelor party.
Do 3 or 4 calls @ $1500 a piece, that is 6 grand a girl on a Friday or Saturday. Thats over $20,000 for a weekend easily.
So here goes.... my favorite has got to be the no-show job. The idea of those wiseguys sitting around the house or out committing more crimes while collecting paychecks without even showing up for work makes me laugh my fucking ass off. Then there's the ones who do show up, but perform no work, and his sucker coworkers can't say shit because they know who he is lol....
I guess the real question and true test of your principles would be whether or not you would be equally amused by these mobsters if it was your business they were shaking down with no show and no work jobs. I would give you all the credit in the world if you laughed along while they stole from you.
To answer your question though; as much as its been talked about to death I really do think Franzese's gas scam was both simple and brilliant - not to mention as close to "victimless" as possible. In fact it really just exposed the ineptitude of the government for failing to realize how they were being taken advantage of.
Whatever else anyone thinks of Franzese for better or for worse, that was one hell of a brilliant scheme.
So here goes.... my favorite has got to be the no-show job. The idea of those wiseguys sitting around the house or out committing more crimes while collecting paychecks without even showing up for work makes me laugh my fucking ass off. Then there's the ones who do show up, but perform no work, and his sucker coworkers can't say shit because they know who he is lol....
There's a connected guy that I know who has a no show job. He goes into an office to hang out on the internet (They gave him his own desk.) He has his morning coffee there, hangs out for as long as he wants and then leaves.
My pick is gambling, I do agree No show jobs is a tie.
I had a job like that years ago, Wild Bill Cutolo put me in the Masons Union as a class A mechanic and never even seen a bag of cement mix in my life.
I would go to Job locations when instructed ( not by WBC) but then go off site and do other work with other guys for different people. It was fuckin Great and I loved that job and thought WBC was an amazing Man to know.
The Mob is proof that gambling was an easy way to make money , it was fool proof when managed properly. The idea that states took over OTB and lost money shows how more corrupt government is worse than the mob.