I think most have now run out of stories to tell.
This is the major problem for these podcasting rats. ( apart from the fact that they betrayed their, life long friend's ). They all seem to have 4 or 5 good stories to tell. Viewers subscribe thinking, wow, great stuff only to wind up with film reviewing, politics etc . This, especially, applies to Sammy G and MF.. I haven't opened a post by either of them for a long long time.
And a lot of " I'm not a real rat, I only done it because of xyz" by a lot of them too.
Now, there's only one talking rat who I found loathsome and that's Henry Hill.
He was pretty insignificant but had the good fortune that his story was made into a film masterpiece.
Also, the amount of times he says F**K in his speech made him look even more of a low life than the book his own children wrote about him AND Karen his wife.
Sounded ok in the small doses I've seen, Mazza, Pennisi (sp), M DiLeo.
At least Phillip Leonetti doesn't do all this stuff because that guy really rubs me the wrong way. Just seeing his darkened profile on a nat Geo docu annoys my soul. If he was to start a channel, you know it will be called " My uncle Nicky this my uncle Nicky that"
The logo will be the 2 fingers gun symbol.