What do you guys THINK happened regarding Luongo?
It's claimed that Ducks tapped him to be the boss after the admin were locked up for life but are there any reliable sources for this? Any of the Lucchese rats say anything?
Been awhile since I read it, did Gaspipes book say anything about it? Might of been that book that told the Amuso brothers invited him to a meeting and Bobby A (?) killed him and disappeared him, story.
Why would Ducks make Amuso boss, after killing his first choice? Can't see an old timer like him standing for that disrespect. Unless what happened to Luongo was a mystery to everyone but the Amusos.
Apparently Ducks was influenced by Furnari into choosing Amuso ( or Casso) but there where better, more experienced captains to choose from.
There's very little info on Luongo, what do you think happened?