It's bad enough you already spam the forum with your crao you claim is legit but now this? Please give it a break
Ahhh…Mafia101. So nice of you to join us again. I see you’re paying attention to all things ButtonGuys — as per usual.
…Good boy.
This thread is called providing a bit of “comic relief” from the usual business at hand. But you’d already know that if you had any sense of humor — any sense at all — or knew your way around a bit better than you do.
You should have payed attention when your parents advised you to “stay in school.”
On another note, I always find it comical that those who contribute the least in life — people such as yourself — exhibit the sheer ignorance and audacity to dare critique those of us who provide the most.
Now here’s a question for you….
What have you ever brought to this forum aside from divisive, negative comments designed to sow disharmony?
I will answer my own question. You bring nothing, absolutely nothing — that’s what!
One can only wonder where you keep all the articles and content that YOU have meticulously researched over the years. Because one thing’s for sure. You certainly don’t publish any of them here!
Like the old saying goes, “The proof is in the pudding!”
I strongly suggest you get off your mommy’s couch, go back to school, and get your GED. Hopefully, it will help improve your reading and comprehension skills.
Either that, or go out and get yourself a job! I hear they're hiring at McDonalds.