possible yes. although i've always had a hard time with spina as far as pinning any kind of title on him. chris spina has never to my knowledge been arrested for anything. even after being seen driving lombardo on the city parole back in 1993, that wasnt enough to even have him fired, i believe he was transferred to different dept. with the paucity of info on him its hard to track his rise in the outfit. no tidbits on wiretaps or indictments even fairly currently in the panozzo/koroluk case, charles russell and the big look into albert vena that never happened. in charts i've made in past and some i'm currently working on i cant see spina as anything more than a soldier at the most who seems to be a link into the legit world, first into city dynamics and possibly later into real estate. however with the outfit in the state its in as i have said in the past its all hands on deck and if asked by the higher ups to serve in some capacity it is possible spina has or is doing so.
onto dino marino where i think theres a little more supporting evidence where one could say he is more involved. marino unlike spina has actually been arrested and served time for city corruption out of cicero in late 90s into 2001. he was sentenced in 2003 and served a short sentence where upon release was mentioned as being in the cicero crew more specifically under the delaurentis/inendino side. marino as most will know had a made man for a father in louis marino a longtime trusted member of same cicero crew. with elevation of delaurentis to admin posts in 2010 (possible underboss,boss?) it is believed marino became a driver and messenger for delaurentis. so with delaurentis now semi-retired and likely now only having role of senior advisor, the death of james inendino in 2023 and the total question mark as to who is BOSS and UNDERBOSS in the outfit currently i think its possible dino marino holds a high level position in the outfit and more likely he does than spina.
Re: Dino Marino & Chris Spina Chicago outfit.
[Re: RushStreet]
#1115387 02/22/2504:01 PM02/22/2504:01 PM
Agreed. Im not sure about Spina either but Marino definitely fits as someone who could easily be the main guy right now calling the shots and running the organization. Hes not very old either currently only 66. He is very intelligent and qualified to be boss.