Originally posted by Don't Dissapint the Don:
Just curious if anyone had any ideas as to what the marrionette holding up the Godfather logo was for. I'm sure it must have some meaning because Puzo would not have put it there for nothing. I have my own thoughts, but I wanted to see what others thought.
Didn't we already beat this subject into the ground recently
Actually the subject was whose hands are holding the strings.
To answer your question. The "puppet strings" are shown to represent someone that has the power to get things done, to suit themself. When Mike was having the last chat with his father in the garden, Don Vito stated that he didn't want to be on a string, that he wanted to be the one pulling the strings.
Whose hands are they? Thats still in the air. Any suggestions....
Oh yes, welcome to the board. Don't make yourself a stranger, and please feel free to ask any questions and make any comments. My opening comment was made tongue in cheek. We always appreciate new posters, as they always instill fresh thoughts in the board.