I just watched Bella Mafia. the story was great, th emoviewa s GREAT, but i just can't get over the directring. HORRIBLE, 25 years later EVERYOBDY looks the same!
Teresa has an 18-year old daughter but doesn;t age more than a year over 20 years.
Sophia ages about a MONTH rather yet she looks a year older than her son in his early twenties.
Jenniffer Tilly doesn;t age a day in 20 years.
Pietro Corallo, and Graziella are the ONLY ones who age. Don Roberto was already about 50 but twenty years later he loooks EXACTLY the same.
WHat shitty attention pauid to detail!
Also, Sophia has a baby in her late teens, goes twenty years without getting pregnant, then has twin boys, yet she doesn't age 5 years over 25 !
And Luca was trying to screw ALL 5 of the girls! What a prick!
I still a little freaked out about Giorgio (HE looks like what the people of the late 1980's thought an AIDS Victim would look like!

Overall, it was a good movie, but that director needs to go back to High School and direct a play!
Luca the killer, Bald-headed Giorgio, Young innocent Ivy-League Michael, Enzo the husband-to-be, the clumsy Casino-owning whore-screwing brother Fredo, Baby twins, these are ALL Puzo rip-offs!
Killer disguised as priest, a son playing guitar for his father, the murdered Santino (Constantino)