a murder mystery $10,000 Whodunnit
Harper Collins is sponsoring a Whodunnit mystery that can net you $10,000!
The only catch is, that you have to buy the book WHO KILLED TIFFANY JONES?, though the site states copies can be found at local libraries.
This is open to US residents 21+, but not to residents of Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, Tennessee or Vermont. All entries must be received by March 1, 2003. Limit one entry per person per household and one entry per envelope.
You must send in the answers to 4 questions (listed below). Answers must be limited to five (5) - 8 ½" x 11" double-spaced pages; not being more than 2 pages for questions #1 through #3 and no more than 3 pages for question #4. Make sure your name and address are clearly printed at the top of each page of your entry. Affix proper postage and mail your entry to:
"Who Killed Tiffany Jones?" Contest Entry
PO Box 4319
Manhasset, NY 11030-4319
1) List three distinct methods used to smuggle diamonds into America.
2) Who is Sally?
3) Name the people behind the entire series of killings and explain the overall or primary motive for the murders.
4) For each of the following 13 victims--Tiffany Jones, Kees Van derVall, Brixton Hewitt, K.J. Hunter, Dave Hamlin, Renee Rothschild, Cheeno, Mariana Blair, Brian Woods, Frank Napolini, Ezekiel Kwabena, Josephine St. Claire, and Clarence Johnson--answer the following questions:
A) Who was the killer or killers?
B) How was the victim killed?
C) Why was the victim killed? (this answer will in some instances repeat the answer to the second part of question #3).
The correct answers to the questions are based on clues found in the book. Only entries with complete answers to all parts of all four questions will be eligible for the prize. Answers will be judged by a panel of qualified judges based on correctness (60%), creativity (20%), clarity of expression (15%) and neatness (5%). The potential winner will be determined on or about March 22, 2003.
Good Luck!
End of my cut&paste session !