So we are insane for wanting peace in the Middle East and not having president of the US paying mullahs and enable them to kill hundred thousands and displacing people in the Middle East. I guess his personal life whatever it is, is more important than our lives. Not that they found a single thing on his children, not even one drunken party. And yet he has been an awful father somehow. Be happy now. Business as usual is on the way. Biden never touched any woman, was never inappropriate, and always was nice to reporters. Never had picture with KKK, and is squeaky clean, nothing to see, all he has including his mansion was on government salary. Looking forward to Kerry with having multiple houses and a private jet telling the world to take a bus to reduce carbon footprint. No need to follow the money trail there!
Don't forget about Ukraine. When the left tried to tie Trump to them, that
quickly went away once it was found the Biden's had more ties with them than Trump did. Then the media has the audacity to lie and say Hunter Biden's laptop is "Russian disinformation!"

How anybody can believe this crap is beyond me!