I don't usually respond to this type of guttural stuff, nor do I comment on it. But in this case I'm gonna make an exception.
I really don't know who this "Clown" is on our forum. But the shit that spews from of his mouth is usually one step away from what most of us would consider to be a "Troll"
I don't know how or why he's tolerated. I've seen him ruin more good threads for no other reason than his big mouth. He nearly always has a nasty comment and contributes absolutely nothing to any conversation. Nada!
He also has a penchant for talking out of his ass about stuff he doesn't really have a clue about. He's a typical blowhard. And often says things like a "Computer Tough Guy" that ya just know in person he'd NEVER dare say to ya face...He wouldn't have the balls! A typical "Ball Less" individual who lacks a life. I gotta laugh at him. He's basically a "Joke." A bad joke, but a joke nonetheless!
He's a typical "punk" who knows he can hide behind his keyboard and play "Internet Racketeer" for a day.
What a sad sack of shit!
I see from his posts that he is also a heavy alcoholic and druggie. So now it all starts to make more sense. He's clearly out of his mind half the time. His intoxication also helps explain why he can hardly put together 2 sentences that are cohesive and grammatically correct. (although I suspect that its also from his lack of education and basic intelligence)
That said, I do recommend that we "good posters" just ignore this idiot. If (or more likely when) he starts in with his negative comments and nasty commentary.
As I've said several times on this forum, lets all try and contribute positive content and comments. We (and the forum) will all be better off for it. And it will help elevate these discussions for a much more enjoyable experience for all of us.
"The Other Guy"

I've never belly laughed harder. At this point I just wanna give you a hug. Happy New Year Mr. Glass