Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Name a few examples then.

Everyone's aware of Sammy Gravano poisoning the jury pool and Bruce Cutler's complete lack of ethics and morals.

I'm not aware of any prosecutors tampering evidence or threatening witnesses, apart from baseless conjecture from fanboys/fangirls like NYMafia.

1) FBI agent H. Paul Rico of the Boston FBI office (documented as one of the worst corrupted agents in the entire bureau history) He went to prison

2) NYC supervisory agent Lindley Del Vecchio (worked in tandem with Scarpa for years to subvert justice, planted evidence, falsified evidence to warrant arrests and win false convictions, and conspired to murder many people) He was arrested, tried, but finagled a acquittal....... but he was guilty as sin

3) Nassau County District Attorney William Cahn (repeatedly inserted phony informant names for informant payments, so he embezzle those monies and could pocket County funds) He went to prison

4) Brooklyn D.A. Eugene Gold (he was convicted of pedophilia, and fraud against the county, and also falsified evidence) He also went to jail

5) Suffolk D.A. Thomas Spota (repeatedly planted evidence on innocent defendants, protected other corrupt cops, lied under oath before the grand jury investigating it) etc etc etc...they all got convicted, some were jailed for years. Policemen, vice detectives, and other minions of Spota's

And this is the short list!

They are but a few of the many others I didn't even bother to name. It's a virtual laundry list of corrupt cops, detectives, prosecutors, district attorneys, and FBI agents.

...............Should I go on Moe-Man?.... Or is it "Moe-Boy" nowadays?

I know! Lets call you just plain old "Jerk-off"

That handle seems to fit you like a glove Moe-Man! Is that ok with you, Jerk-off?

You sound like a 10 year old with John Gotti posters on the wall... yes of course there’s corrupt law enforcement agents who bend the law or even break it. But by and large law enforcement doesn’t do that vs the CAREER CRIMINALS your defending who have taken an oath to lie cheat and steal and break the law every chance they get...these are convicted child molesters, rapists, thieves and murders your defending...You guys defend Steven Crea Sr ad nasuem because I think we all agree the evidence was flimsy that was used to convict him of the Meldish murder BUT let’s be real he did it. He’s the underboss of the Lucchese Crime Family not a top executive at Publix Groceries. He chose his path in life , he made millions , he could have stepped back anytime in the last 20 years but instead he chose to remain at the top and brought his first born son into it and now he’s doing prison time.. to quote Jr Gotti “ I know my father loved me but how much could he really love me to put me in with all these wolves”
NO ONE that loves they’re children would want them in the street! No one that truly loves they’re children would want them in prison! No one that gave two shits about they’re children would send them out to murder someone! Would you want that for your children or for your loved ones???

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 02/03/21 01:27 AM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn