This will be the last time that I respond to you about this subject Louis. Because all this nonsense of yours is starting to show your infantile and absolutely unreasonable attempts to stick a square peg in a round hole ok?
As good examples of my position on this subject (and that of many other forum members). Each of the mob guys listed below were very far from the image of pedophiles and sexual degenerates that you are trying to portray every mob guy to be here.

They may have been in the mob. Some committed violent acts during their careers in furtherance of those careers and for personal vendetta reasons (after all, thats what the underworld is isn't it?). We're not talking about Mother Teresa's here. Lol ....But they were not cut from the cloth you speak of. In fact, they were very far from it!

And these names run the gamut from soldiers to bosses. They were not "cherry picked" by me to make my point. And each of them loved their families and children immensely. That's been clearly proven out and documented over the years.

From Joe Profaci, Vinny Aloi, and Joseph Laratro, who all brought their kids into the life. To Sonny Franzese who loved his two rat sons so much that despite any bullshit postering to the contrary, defended them to his dying day and never attempted to hurt either of them in any way, shape or form, because he loved them both dearly.

Mob history is replete with many such instances of guys like this.

Frank Costello
Meyer Lansky
Thomas Lucchese
Joseph Lucchese
Giacomo Scarpulla
John Tartamella Sr.
Joseph Laratro
Gaspare Di Gregorio
John Franzese Sr
Michael La Rosa
James Napoli Sr
Vincent Alo
Antonio Vadala
Frank Campanello
Carlo Mastrototaro
Pasquale Crapanzano
Vincent Aloi
Alfred Cupola
Michael Sabella
Frank Dapolito
...etc., etc.

And they are but a pimple on an elephants ass so to speak, of the vast, vast, majority of street guys out there who I could have mentioned. Thousands of them.
On the other hand, below is a short list of some of the total thieves and sexual degenerates in law enforcement that I'd mentioned in an earlier thread that you never even cared to "follow up" and respond to, as you like to say. Why is that Lou? Because you have no "good" answer, thats why!

You readily dismissed my examples and then quickly jumped right back on reputed "mob guys" that seem to be the bane of your existence. Why is that Lou??

It seems to me that you have some deep seated, undying distain for them. Did you get abused by someone that you perceived to be a "connected guy," and now you have a base hatred for anyone you deem to be in that category?

Because your anger sees a bit over the top to say the least!
My bottom-line point here Louie is that there are "good and bad" people in every walk of life. In law enforcement, the mob, businessmen, sports figures, politicians, doctors, lawyers, and Indian chiefs. It's called "life." So let's be "real" about the reality of life shall we?

Of course the mob is the mob. And nobody here is trying to turn them into alter boys. I think we all acknowledge that fact. But you, and this absolute obsession of yours is a bit much already.

Again, for your enjoyment (or to cringe) is a extremely short list of those in law enforcement through the years who betrayed their "oath" to defend the public, and even betrayed basic decency by using their lofty positions to abuse innocent people, rape and defile little children, rob the taxpayers, kill people, and other such degenerate mayhem:

Brooklyn D.A. Eugene Gold (pedophilia and molestation against a 10 year old little girl, perjury, coverup, etc)
Nassau D.A. William Cahn (tax evasion, perjury, embezzlement against the people of Nassau County, perjury, mail fraud, etc)
Suffolk Prosecutor, D.A. Thomas J. Spota (police assault against innocent tax payers, fraud, perjury, protecting a detective who was a sexual predator, etc)
Lead Suffolk Co. Detective James Burke (sexual abuse, felony assault, theft, coverup of his criminal behavior and that of his fellow cops, perjury, etc)
Ex-FBI Brooklyn Supervisory Agent Lindley DeVecchio (multiple murders, fraud, conspiracy, dishonoring his badge, illegal gun possession, perjury, etc)
Boston FBI agent H. Paul Rico (multiple murders, and conspiracy to commit murder, fraud, theft, perjury, contempt)
Boston FBI agent John Connolly (10 years for conspiracy to commit multiple murders)
...... Oh, and let's not forget the 6 NYC policemen and detectives who sodimized that Black man, Abner Louima, with the broken broom handle that they shoved up his ass right in the police precinct in full view of many other cops who ignored his screams for help and horrific pain!
...... Or the legions of KKK affiliated, white Southern cops and politicians who slaughtered blacks through the many decades by hanging them from nooses, shooting them, and raping and them murdering their wives, mothers, and little innocent children, and then burning their homes to the ground!


PS: If you are unfamiliar with some of the mob names I mentioned and their personal histories, please feel free to access ButtonGuys to read their bios. I wrote extensive bios on most of these fellas. It may help put things in a different light for you ok.

Last edited by NYMafia; 02/03/21 10:22 AM.