Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Philip Rastelli had a woman murdered after she repeatedly refused bribes to stop her husband from identifying Rastelli.
Michael Mancuso murdered his wife.
Paul Castellano had his daughter's husband (a civilian) murdered.
John Gotti had his neighbor brutally murdered.
Anthony Casso had several civilians murdered.
Salvatore Avellino ordered the murder of two trash haulers (both civilians) and Anthony Baratta carried it out with the express permission of Vic Amuso and Anthony Casso.
Roy De Meo murdered a kid.
Alphonse Persico ordered Carmine Sessa to murder his girlfriend.
Fritzy Giovanelli murdered a cop.
Joel Cacace murdered a cop.
Sammy Gravano murdered a kid.
Vincent Basciano ordered the murder of a prosecutor.
Several civilians, including one child, were murdered during the 1990 Colombo mob war.
Nicky Scarfo instigated a fight with and murdered a civilian (backed up by two other people because he was too much of a pussy to fight one on one like most of these guys).
Sonny Franzese raped a woman.
Christopher Furnari raped a woman.

That's off the the top of my head - and that's just murders and rapes of women, children and civilians committed by bosses, underbosses and capos.

Also, Gambino crime family and Genovese crime family both peddled child pornography and exploited and induced underage male and female prostitutes.

Real men of honor indeed.

The level of OUTRAGEOUSNESS being shown by you and your buddy Louis is astounding to me. The two of stalk, and yes I said stalk, every post made by The Other Guy, and every single one is to start or restart some argument. I do believe the post above brought this thread back on track and yet here you are going back to that BS from before. And yes, I'm doing the same thing right now so I apologize to the rest of the board. But when I see every single day this whacked out, nonstop, ridiculousness from the two of you...enough is enough. OBVIOUSLY, the two of you and me and my colleague have different views on a lot of things but to constantly go back and forth is not only exhausting but INFANTILE. The two of YOU need to get a life and get off this board because I still don't understand WHY you both are on here considering your extreme disdain for organized crime on EVERY LEVEL. So why are you aggravating yourself by being here? Why would you even want TO BE on a board like this? Do you enjoy trolling? Do you enjoy arguing? Do you have nothing better to do with your time? I just don't get it.

In addition, people have different views on different things and that's great. Makes life more interesting. But when it's CONSTANT it goes beyond normal human behavior. Especially when it's the level of that you and Louis go to express your opinion. Because it's EVERY SINGLE THREAD. I don't see either of you doing it to anyone else except NYMafia.

So why don't you and Louis GO SOAK YOUR HEAD and get a life.


Last edited by NYMafia; 02/05/21 01:51 PM.