In this day and age of 2021, how much money would you say a mob associate or mob member should earn per year in order to make the risks of possible arrest and imprisonment worth it?

Obviously the more the better! Lol.... but at the very least, what kind of money are we talking about here, that a hoodlum racketeer should set his sights on earning to even out the risks involved in the life....the constant surveillance, arrests, lawyer fees, possible conviction, imprisonment, etc?

Not to mention all the back-stabbing drama that potentially goes on behind the scenes. Mob politics, and potential physical dangers involved in dealing on the streets?

Whats the yearly minimum he should be making for himself after kicking up to his superiors?... and what's the "desired" annual amount? (and lets keep it realistic shall we fellas. No pie in the sky zillion dollar figures).

Interesting question fellas, no?