Originally Posted by NYMafia
So what do ya think guys? I can't believe that nobody has an opinion on what street guys should earn for themselves?

Remember that I'm NOT asking what they DO earn, only what you personally feel would be a proper amount for the risk involved. The risk/reward ratio so to speak.

And there are no wrong answers either! It's completely subjective to whatever you feel it should be.

Let me try and make this easier for you ok. What do you think the earn should be for the following categories:






Family Boss:

I understand that there is a lot of leeway in-between, but at least thats a start.

I know there are some associates that are coming up that had bad family lives but how smart could these guys really be. The smart ones that possibly went to college became a professional or learned a trade pr got into the housing market or the financial markets can legally making a great life for themselves as opposed to their great grandparents or grandparents. Legalized gambling in the Northeast and now the Midwest is taking a chunk of their action; putting money on the streets will always be there but it is super easy for the average joe to tell the cops if he loses out on a big bet and doesn't want to pay his street loan. I know this doesn't answer your question and I think it is a good one but it is tough to quantify it these days. Think the Eastern Euros are into some great money making scams using the internet today and seeing huge returns