As I said, I can’t force anyone to believe me, it’s your choice if you do or if you don’t. I was released exactly May 2013, I don’t know if it is published when you’re released. If you say so, I trust you. The world is different than when I went jail. You have to understand that was 1969. How long was I with Carmine Doctor 5 years. I need to explain something that might make you understand me better. Sorry to anyone who doesn’t believe me, I’m old, I don’t care who believes what. I had an amazing life, I slept with many beautiful women, I lived like a king. All these things are 😂 in my wank bank, and they keep my heart ticking. If you guys don’t believe me, it’s not gonna break my heart. I’m a grandad, a father and an old boy. Anyway, I was trying to say, I was not a gangster like you see in the movies. What do I mean? When I was 5/6 I noticed when you buy stuff, you get a bag, so I took a friend went shopping with my mum and picked up some bags and filled them up with toys!! We got away with it, but my cocksucker friend told his dad and his dad and mum came round my house and beat our front door. There was a sit down over this as my dad was friends with Carlo. Anyway, I never forgot that and when I got made, I knocked on his door and shot him, point break range in the forehead. That makes me sound a 24/7 gangster, but I really wasn’t. What I mean is, a lot of made guys were ALWAYS taking about mob stuff non stop, it’s ALL they talked about. I was not like that, I was a natural crook, but I was interested in music, I was a singer, I recorded a record and I wasn’t one to hang out all night in social clubs etc, I would hang out with girls, do drugs and go out by myself, get high, hang out all weekend with whores. So I was probably a bit different than you guys think I was. I’m probably not like how you think I am, I was much more interested in women and drugs than money or mafia. For me, it was just an easy way to get the things I wanted. Canarise in 1930-70 was pure mafia, you couldn’t escape it, I was Sicilian, I saw an edge and I took it. Say whatever about me, but I was always a guy things didn’t go right for much. Look, I found this site a couple of days ago and I joined, I was hoping to find a few guys from the old days I could reconnect with, cos I miss the old days very much. If you guys think I’m some guy chatting bs to you all, well... Ti auguro il meglio, tanta felicità e amore e la prossima volta, diavolo vota repubblicano !! Fanculo biden
Well if anyone was still wondering if this guy is full of shit