Originally Posted by pmac
eating weed products is so much different from smoking weed... 2 different highs. its more like mushrooms. its to intense for me and there all types of shit and milligrams. they extract the thc from the bud by boiling buds in oil then put the oil in cooking products it fucks you up. send me to the slopes....

When you eat thc it is processed by your liver and is much more of a psychedlic high than if you smoke or vape cannabis. Some people based on their body chemistry dont feel high from edibles. My buddy barely of ever feels feels it when he eats it. I much prefer smoking or vaping to edibles.

Last edited by Primo; 02/17/21 01:35 AM.

I've walked along the red canal of mars
I've known kings and king makers
Poets painters and paupers
I've danced danced on the rings of Saturn
Still your pilgrim soul is the only thing that ever mattered