This guy wouldn't be hard enough to carry Luigi's croquet set.

Bonafide Bullshitter. Even if he is distantly related to Salvatore Lacania it's extremely sad to see the Luciano name tied to this. A depressingly fitting statement as to the current status of LCN today.

I'm genuinely surprised that so many of these bullshitters step forward trying to be something they are so clearly not these days. Reminds me of the stolen valour guys. It is SO easy to prove these idiots wrong that I don't even understand what they are trying to accomplish - some YouTube influencer fantasy?

With guys who were once legit guys like Franzese, Montiglio, Polisi, Leonetti, guys like this out there, some of them talking to anyone who would listen, don't people like "Anthony Raimondo" realize that they will be called out as fakes in their first 10 minutes of air time?

It seems so short sighted that I just can't understand it. It was one thing when Tom Papania was bullshitting people in the early '90s before any of these guys were out talking but nowadays its a plan thats doomed to fail from the outset. So what's the point?