Originally Posted by Ducktown
Serp I’m sure you remember the cement trucks parked in the alley! Man it’s crazy I knew Nicky, Phil, Chris, Nicky Jr, Mark they were all older than me. I graduated High School in 96 never in a million years until the internet came around did I know the extent of the “mob” When I was a little kid I’d ride my bike and they would all bust my balls because my bike was like 5 different colors. Phil’s wife’s twin sister used to baby sit me. Had no idea how big these guys were until my 30s all seemed normal to me in Ducktown. I remember Phil being back the summer before I left for college, it just seemed normal he was there. I stop in to see Frank once a year, great guy him and his family were very close to my grandfather

Yeah man ...

It’s the way it is when your a kid growing up .... everything is you neighborhood and you adopt as a young person to the way it is ..... look at kids that grow up in these murder city’s all over the US you just keep getup everyday.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."