Originally Posted by Lenox
WTF is wrong here !!! A wise guy does everything right, keeps a low profile, doesnt get caught talking to rats or on a phone and he is suspected of being a rat because he is smart ????
The guy is no snitch.

I have to agree with you on that one. Not that anyone can be above suspicion nowadays with all these fucking rats. from soldiers to bosses going bad.

But I'd like to think the guy is just doing it correctly. Playing it by the numbers and walking lock-step to avoid trouble.

A rarity that he should be complimented for, not called a rat.

Thats the worst possible label anybody in the life could be accused of.
If it ever turns out he did go bad, then it is what it is. But until that day should ever come, its not a label that is nice to throw on someone.

Just because most of these knock-around guys today are rank idiots, doesn't mean everyone is. And it looks like this Lancelotti is a careful, intelligent guy.

But time will tell. It usually does!