Language manipulation that is being forced on us. The media is responsible for a good deal of it.
Examples: A rainstorm is now an "event." A car company now has a "sales event." A heart attack is an "event". I swear to you, I once heard death referred to as a "life cessation event." Absolute bullshit.
And speaking of the weather forecasts (and I think I was), when was the last time you heard "sleet"? If I hear one more person say "wintery mix" I'm gonna vomit. Nobody in the real world - that I know of - speaks that way!
We are now supposed to say "challenging" instead of "difficult." Says who? Is this supposed to lull us into a false sense of something? Stop using language as something to hide behind! To coin a phrase: Tell it like it is.
We're not supposed to say that something "affected" us - we're supposed to say it "impacted" us. WTF??? Remember when just about the only thing that was "impacted" was a wisdom tooth?
There are lots of others, but I think the PC Police would have my ass on a plate if I spoke honestly.
Actually, here's one: Why do we speak of Black people and white people (note the difference in capitalization)?
And speaking of race, here's one that bugs me because of the obvious double-standard: If it's not allowable for Caucasian performers to wear blackface, yellowface, or portray any race other than their own (and, BTW, I'm not saying it that should be acceptable), why does Eddie Murphy get a pass when he plays an old, Jewish Caucasian in his latest film,
Coming 2 America (the barbershop scene)? What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. There should be one standard here.
Too much PC in general, to my way of thinking.

Signor V.