No chance you could use that as a line of inquiry. First of all, it assumes that the client is paying the lawyer. Sometimes someone other than the client pays the lawyer. Other times, the lawyer works pro bono. Many top lawyers will do 10% of their caseload for free.

That would be an absurd issue to bring up!

Originally Posted by Lou_Para
Originally Posted by DillyDolly
I understand that, but still, if the defendant can't prove how he can afford such an expensive lawyer it adds even more weight to all the evidence presented. Imagine the prosecutor asking the defendant how he's able to afford his $3,000 per hour lawyer, or however much they cost.

On another note, there was a gangster in Canada who was arrested in a $700/month apartment who was found with $18 million worth of possessions in his apartment. Mobsters in Italy have been found living in what appeared to be rundown rat shacks but turned out to be decked-out palaces inside. Again, don't always judge a book by its cover.

Not to beat a dead horse,but the defense doesn't have to prove anything. It is very rare for a defendant to actually take the stand as most lawyers strongly advise against it. If by some quirk he actually does,the prosecutor has no business asking how he can afford his attorney. Any 1/2 smart lawyer would object and any judge worth his salt would throw it out based on Attorney/Client privilege grounds. Remember,if the defendant doesn't take the stand,he can't be asked anything.