The US Constitution calls for the separation of church and state. My question is this: How come I can go into a government building and see a Cross? A picture of Jesus? The 10 Commandments? The answer is simple. I can see all of these things in government buildings, especially courts, because our courts are violating the US Constitution.

Nobody has the right to put any sort of religion into a government run or owned building. It's outrageous that people can defend this. I have a question for those of you who are alright with the 10 Commandments in a court. Would you be alright if this same court put the Koran in view for everyone to see? The Hebrew Holy book?

Look, I am not offended when I see the 10 Commandments, as I am a Roman Catholic; however, it's against the US Constitution and it can offend people who aren't Christian or don't believe in God. When a government building has ANY religious symbol up, it's almost as if tax dollars are used to promote this religion. It isn't right and it should be stopped. I wish the ACLU good luck in getting every court and government building to take down all religious symbols. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur