Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by TonyBombassolo
if you have any balls do a story on the connections between democratic leadership and mafia families in the 1950's through the 1990s

If I have any balls? Lol

You should really learn how to talk to people because your social 'skills' suck, and you sound like a punk kid. What 'balls' as you say does it take for that? I really don't get it.

And you think that the Republican Party has never had mob connections huh? How bout I throw out just 1 name ok. I won't even bother to put out a second because you might shit yourself.

Spiro Agnew. Through a heavy connection and alleged $100,000 bribe to him (which ultimately was split with Nixon I'm sure), Richard Nixon commuted the heavy 12 year sentence of NJ based capo-regime Angelo (The Gyp) Di Carlo after he served a measly year or two behind bars.

Now THATS a hook and what many at the time raised their eyebrows about..... all Republicans.

Know what I say? Big deal! Who gives a good fuck.

And during FDRs run for the presidency Lucky Luciano, Costello, and the others, backed him AND his opponent, Republican Al Smith. So no matter which party got into the White House the mob would have an inside track. Both reputedly played ball with the wise guys.

Don't even let me delve into all the senators, congressmen, and other office holders in BOTH parties that were beholden to their mob benefactors.

You REALLY need to know WTF you're talking about before you open your mouth and spout stupid shit out of it!
want more?

How bout Repulican Senator Al D'Amato? He was a personal friend of Lucchese associate Philly Basile and capo Paul Vario. He even testified on behalf of Basile at his trial in federal court.

On the flip side we have Democrat powerhouses Meade Esposito and Mario Biaggi who came from Brooklyn and East Harlem respectively. They each grew up with tons of guys and were decent with everybody from the neighborhood.

The Mob knows NO such boundaries as "political parties" LOL......... so get real (and go educate yourself before you put your foot in your mouth and trip over your own dick)!

Absolutely! Politics is a dirty business. It takes so much money to win an election, candidates have to beg anyone and everyone for money and it compromises them. I think the Mob is just like other groups with money and power, they play bothl sides of the fence to get what they want. That's politics.