I'm currently reading I Heard You Paint Houses and I'm wondering how reliable he is. I've accepted that he's probably prone to embellishing things, I'm just wondering how much. Among other things, he claims to have been involved in the Joe Gallo murder, which I sincerely doubt based on all I've read, and he also claims to have been tangentially involved in the JFK assassination conspiracy. Stuff like this rings alarm bells, as people like Richard Kuklinski, who were peripheral figures in mob lore, have a tendency to insert themselves in various plots they had nothing to do with. And when they embellish, they tend to go big, as Kuklinski did by inserting himself into the Castellano and Galante murder plots.

Slate took apart the book: https://slate.com/culture/2019/08/the-irishman-scorsese-netflix-movie-true-story-lies.html

The publisher of the book defended it: https://slate.com/culture/2019/08/the-irishman-book-publisher-reply-bill-tonelli.html

I'm a tenth of the way into the book and my first impressions are that he's a bit of a storyteller and is taking licence with things.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.