Neo the Punk: Nobody that has done seven years in prison would use the term "tattle-telling".

I happen to have the proof, in black-and-white, you fucktard. And you used a horrible analogy, comparing a life sentence to a fight with Mayweather. Not all prisons are the same, and it's not like everyone says it is, it's been largely exaggerated. Most of the federal prisons that wiseguys go to aren't hard-core, everyone sees movies like American Me and Blood-In-Blood-Out and think every prison is exactly like in the movies. Most of the federal lockups that mob guys and white-collar crooks end up are a walk in the park, people aren't getting shanked and raped everyday. Even in state prisons, if you stay to yourself, don't borrow, don't gamble, and don't accept gifts your time won't be that bad. You're just a born snitch, with zero backbone or integrity.