Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted by NYMafia
interesting post. Bravo

I find it hard to listen to this recording. He is putting a good man to jail for life, a relatively young man at the time. I'm not saying Vinny was some saint, but he did way more good than bad. Meanwhile Joe had countless people murdered for nothing and they're letting him go free. Imagine releasing Ted Bundy because he testified against Mel Gibson

I completely agree. Basciano was far from an alter boy, but so was Massino. In fact, that fat bastard destroyed untold lives with a simple thumbs down with his hand. Massino was an unbelievably treacherous individual. Most bosses are. But after killings and wrecking so many before him for being suspected rats, the boss himself does the same thing.

Hence, todays LCN and underworld in general largely have no honor or face left whatsoever. Whatever little integrity or so-called 'honor' that may have once been, nowadays its totally Kaput as we say!

There are still individual guys who still walk the walk and talk the talk. But overall so many turn bad nowadays that its almost become the norm. So much so that when another goodfella turns informer we hardly turn our heads with surprise. Sad but so true.