List of names with actors for some of the roles (names could be misspelled/mistaken, and the Sonny/Tom names kind of run together):

Vito: Conte, Brando
Michael: Al Pacino - Cal believes "Little Big Man"
Sonny: Jimmy Caan, Frank Castellano (sp.?)
Tom: Peter Donat, Martin Sheen, [Lawrence?] Pressman, Ben Piazza
Carlo: Castellano or Sonny reject
Connie: pregnant
Rocco: Campenela
Sollozzo: "Guy in 'Big Deal'"; wiseman?
Luca: Castellano

List of names along margin, without role: Brando, C. Caridi, Bob Duval, Diane Keaton, John Ryan, R. Castellano

Tom Rosqui, Richard Bright, Sterling Hayden, Lou Antonio, Jeannie Linero, Robert Dinero, Julie Gregg, Diane Varsi

John Marley, Frank Corsaro

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."