Every time I visit these boards now, it’s the same handful of posters causing issues..I can predict it before I even enter the site..

The behaviours of these people just aren’t going to change without some personal reflection, so a bit of advice, have a look at yourself and think seriously before you type anything ie what exactly are you trying to achieve, how it effects other readers, how people perceive you etc etc. Just a have a bit of self respect. If your constantly in arguments, for whatever the reason, my advice would be to leave the OC forum for a while and just check out the other topics and try and find a positive interest/conversation. I guarantee you’ll feel better for it.

Gangster BB is a great forum for a whole host of topics, but we all know the OC section seems to now cause constant issues, why get involved if you are constantly in the middle of an argument?

Again, try and spend some positive time on other threads away from OC for a while…you’ll find one you like if you look..👍👍👍